Texas Cancer Plan

A Statewide Call to Action
For All Texans

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The Texas Legislature charged the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) with developing and implementing the Texas Cancer Plan (TCP).1 The TCP is a statewide action framework of cancer initiatives that will reduce the cancer burden across the state and improve the lives of all Texans. It identifies the unique challenges and issues affecting Texas and presents an actionable set of goals and objectives. The TCP guides communities and partners in the fight against cancer by providing a strategic plan for reducing the human and economic burden of cancer in Texas. The overall outcome and success of the TCP is contingent upon the cooperation, collaboration, and resources of stakeholders across the state.


A working group of Texas public health experts with input from stakeholders throughout the state developed the goals, objectives, strategic actions, and targets included in the TCP to align with the following principles:

  • Focus on the continuum of cancer research, prevention, and control – primary prevention and risk reduction, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and quality of life, infrastructure, research;
  • Define measurable and realistic targets based on review of available baseline and trend data for cancer prevention and control key measures in Texas (e.g., cancer mortality and incidence rates, screening rates), with consideration of factors such as available resources, improving optimal care for all, access to care, and capacity for implementation of strategic actions;
  • Align with national and Texas priorities related to cancer;
  • Include evidence-based guidelines and best practices for cancer research, prevention, product development, and control, such as those recommended by the Guide to Community Preventive Services, Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; and
  • Address cancer health disparities and priority populations.


  1. V.T.C.A. Health & Safety Code Section 102.002(3). Health and Safety Code
Doctor examining patient

Primary Prevention and Risk Reduction


Cancer arises from a multi-stage process that transforms normal cells into cancer cells. These changes result from the interaction between a person's genetic factors and external agents, including physical carcinogens, chemical carcinogens, and biological carcinogens.1

The term “primary prevention of cancer” refers to the steps taken by individuals, communities, and governments to reduce the risk of cancer. The most cost-effective, long-term strategy for the control of cancer is to prevent cancer before it forms in the body. In the United States, we could avoid almost half of adult cancer deaths through certain lifestyle modifications.2 Lifestyle choices and changes in habit will alter the risk for developing cancer; a healthier one can help lessen a person’s cancer risk over time.

Cancer risk factors include:

  • increasing age
  • family health history
  • tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure
  • excessive alcohol use
  • being overweight or obese
  • infectious diseases
  • poor nutrition
  • physical inactivity
  • certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria
  • weakened immune system
  • chronic inflammation
  • sun exposure

Age and family history are cancer risk factors that people cannot control . Age is the biggest risk factor for cancer, with more than 90% of cancers diagnosed in people 45 and older. A family history of certain cancers can be a sign of a possible inherited cancer syndrome.3

In the United States, 40% of all cancers are associated with modifiable risk factors.4 Tobacco use is the leading manageable risk factor, causing 19% of cancer cases and 29% of cancer deaths. Other risk factors within an individual’s control - including alcohol consumption, poor diet, excess body weight, and physical inactivity - together are responsible for 18% of cancer cases and 16% of cancer deaths.5 Increasing awareness of these modifiable risk factors will help local and national public health organizations reduce the negative health and economic impacts of cancer.

A key element in the prevention of cancer is the implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based, culturally relevant strategies that provide individuals and communities with the education, resources, and skills necessary to improve their health and combat cancer.

Although no method can conclusively predict who will develop cancer, there are non-medical drivers of health (NMDH), including economic, social, behavioral, and environmental factors, which increase the likelihood that a person will develop cancer. NMDH can cause health-related social needs (HRSN) in some populations. HRSN are more immediate individual or family needs, such as housing insecurity, food insecurity, or lack of reliable transportation, which can lead to decreased health and a lower quality of life.6

Many cancer risk factors are also risk factors for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. Addressing the risk factors discussed in this Plan such as tobacco use, alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, chronic inflammation, and exposure to viruses, bacteria, and parasites can potentially reduce the disease burden beyond cancer.

To address the NMDH and HRSN in Texas communities, organizations should engage community partners on assessments of local health, social, and cancer related needs and in shared decision making for strategies that address them. Organizations using and sharing data should involve trusted community partners and individuals to develop an understanding of cancer-associated needs and ways to meet those needs.7 Collaboration with community partners, including planning and advisory councils, breaks down traditional silos, expands perspectives, and generates new insights. In addition, further research to determine the causes and risks of developing cancer, as well as strategies to help prevent it, remains a critical need.

Goal 1

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Decrease the percentage of youth who smoke and use e-cigarettes and vaping products. % of students who are current smokers 7.4% (Youth Risk Behavior Survey [YRBS], 2017) 3.7% (YRBS, 2021) 3.0% Δ 19% 3.5% (YRBS, 2023)
% of students who are current electronic vapor product users 10.3% (YRBS, 2017) 18.7% (YRBS, 2021) 15.0% Δ 20% 16.8% (YRBS, 2023)
Decrease the percentage of adults who smoke and use e-cigarettes and vaping products. % of adults who are current smokers 14.3% (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System [BRFSS], 2016) 11.3% (BRFSS, 2023) 9.0% Δ 20% 12.1% (BRFSS, 2023)
% of adults who are current e-cigarette users 4.7% (BRFSS, 2016) 7.9% (BRFSS, 2023) 6.3% Δ 20% 7.7% (BRFSS, 2023)
Reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and vape products. % of Texans covered by comprehensive smoke free workplace, restaurant, and bar laws 43.5% (NCI, State Cancer Profiles, 2018) 53% (NCI, State Cancer Profiles, 2021) 100.0% Δ 189% 82.4% (NCI, State Cancer Profiles, 2021)
Increase funding by state legislature to the Texas DSHS Tobacco Control Branch. Data not available to determine a baseline and a target
Prohibit the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. Data not available to determine a baseline and a target

Goal 2

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the percentage of youth and adults who are at a healthy weight. % of high school students who are at a healthy weight 63.4% (YRBS, 2017) 63.8% (YRBS, 2021) 70.0% Δ 10% 69.2% (YRBS, 2023)
% of adults who are at a healthy weight (BMI 18.5 <25) 29.7% (BRFSS, 2016) 27.7% (BRFSS, 2023) 33.0% Δ 20% 28.4% (BRFSS, 2023)
Increase the percentage of youth and adults who engage in evidence-based physical activity guidelines. % of high school students who are physically active 60 minutes or more on 5 or more days per week 42.9% (YRBS, 2017) 47.6% (YRBS, 2021) 54.0% Δ 13% 46.3% (YRBS, 2023)
% of adults who have engaged in leisure time physical activity in the past month 74.8% (BRFSS, 2016) 72.2% (BRFSS, 2023) 80.0% Δ 11% 75.8% (BRFSS, 2023)
Decrease the percentage of adults aged 18 or older who are obese or severely obese. % of adults who are overweight or obese (BMI > 25) NA 69.4% (BRFSS, 2023) 58.0% Δ 20% 68.7% (BRFSS, 2023)
Increase the percentage of youth and adults who follow evidence-based nutrition guidelines. % of adolescents who eat at least five fruits and/or vegetables per day 17.3% (YRBS, 2017) 10.7% (YRBS, 2021) 20.0% Δ 87% NA
% of adults who eat at least five fruits and/or vegetables per day 17.2% (BRFSS, 2016) 15.9% (BRFSS, 2021) 20.0% Δ 26% NA
Decrease the percentage of adults who are heavy drinkers. % of adults who report heavy alcohol use NA 17.2% (BRFSS, 2023) 14.0% Δ 20% 15.3% (BRFSS, 2023)

Goal 3

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Promote skin cancer prevention behavior. Age adjusted incidence rate of melanoma 13 (TCR, 2015) 15.7 (TCR, 2021) 12.5 Δ 20% 23 (SEER+NPCR, 2023)
Reduce the mortality from melanoma. Age adjusted mortality rate of melanoma 2 (TCR, 2015) 1.6 (TCR, 2021) 1.3 Δ 23% 2 (SEER+NPCR, 2023)
Reduce the mortality from melanoma in historically racial and ethnic minorities. Age adjusted mortality rate of melanoma in Non-Hispanic Blacks NA 0.2 (TCR, 2017-2022) 0.1 Δ 200% 0.3 (NVSS, 2018-2022)

Goal 4

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the use of evidence-based policies, systems, and environmental changes that reduce exposure for workers and communities to known environmental carcinogens. Data not available to determine a baseline and a target
Increase radon testing in homes and work with certified radon mitigators to fix homes with high levels of radon. Data not available to determine a baseline and a target
Improve availability and public access to information about environmental and occupational exposures. Data not available to determine a baseline and a target

Goal 5

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the percentage of females (aged 13-17 years old) who initiate the HPV vaccination series. % of females age 13-17 who initiate the HPV vaccination series NA 77.8% (NIS-Teen, 2022) 85.0% Δ 10% 77.8% (NIS-Teen, 2022)
Increase the percentage of males (aged 13-17 years old) who initiate the HPV vaccination series. % of males age 13-17 who initiate the HPV vaccination series NA 63% (NIS-Teen, 2022) 73.0% Δ 16% 74.4% (NIS-Teen, 2022)
Increase the percentage of females (aged 13-17 years old) who are up to date (UTD) with the HPV vaccination series. % of females age 13-17 who are up-to-date with HPV vaccination series 39.7% (NIS-Teen, 2016) 63.5% (NIS-Teen, 2022) 73.0% Δ 15% 64.6% (NIS-Teen, 2022)
Increase the percentage of males (aged 13-17 years old) who are up to date (UTD) with the HPV vaccination series. % of males age 13-17 who are up-to-date with HPV vaccination series 26.5% (NIS-Teen, 2016) 53.7% (NIS-Teen, 2022) 64.0% Δ 19% 60.6% (NIS-Teen, 2022)

Goal 6

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the percentage of youth who have completed the recommended Hepatitis B vaccine series according to national guidelines. % of adolescents aged 13-17 years who completed three or more doses of Hepatitis B vaccine 84.5% (NIS Teen, 2016) 84.4% (NIS-Teen, 2021) 90% Δ 7% 91.2 (NIS-Teen, 2022)
Increase the percentage of adults who have completed the recommended Hepatitis B vaccine series according to national guidelines. % of adults who completed three or more doses of Hepatitis B vaccine 49.5% (BRFSS, 2016) 48.5% (BRFSS, 2019) 55% Δ 13% NA


  1. World Health Organization. Cancer. WHO Cancer Fact Sheet. Accessed March 19, 2024.

  2. Islami F, Marlow EC, Thomson B, et al. Proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in the United States, 2019. CA Cancer J Clin. 2024; 74(5): 405-432. doi:10.3322/caac.21858. CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

  3. NIH | National Cancer Institute. Risk Factors for Cancer. NIH Risk Factors for Cancer. Accessed March 19, 2024.

  4. American Association for Cancer Research. AACR Cancer Progress Report 2023 | Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. AACR Cancer Progress Report. Accessed March 19, 2024.

  5. Texas Cancer Registry, Cancer Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch. Cancer in Texas 2023. Texas Department of State Health Services.

  6. Holcomb, J., et al. (2022). Predicting health-related social needs in Medicaid and Medicare populations using machine learning. Scientific Reports 12, 4554. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598022-08344-4

  7. Call to Action. HHS: Addressing Health-Related Social Needs in Communities Across the Nation. HHS Addressing Health-Related Social Needs

Goal 1: Reduce smoking and e-cigarette use to decrease the number of new cases and deaths from smoking associated cancers.

The use of tobacco products is the leading preventable cause of cancer. It is associated with the development of lung cancer and at least 12 other types of cancer, including larynx (voice box), mouth, esophagus, throat, urinary bladder, kidney and renal pelvis, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon and rectum, cervix, and blood (acute myeloid leukemia). Tobacco products cause almost 20% of all cancer cases and 30% of all cancer-related deaths.1

More than 2.6 million (11.8%) Texas adults smoke cigarettes. Smoking kills 28,000 Texans each year. Smoking related healthcare costs the state more than $10 billion and results in $24.4 billion in lost productivity.2

Researchers attribute 80-90% of all lung cancer deaths to smoking. It causes approximately 27.1% of all cancer deaths in Texas. The age adjusted incidence rates for tobacco-associated cancers in Texas men are 1.7 times higher than for Texas women. Cancers of the lung, bronchus, and trachea are the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women.3

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), including electronic nicotine delivery systems, vapes, vape pens, e-cigars, and hookah pens, are not safe alternatives to cigarettes. E-cigarettes produce an aerosol that contains nicotine and toxins known to cause cancer. Nicotine exposure also harms brain development, which continues into the mid-20s.4 Other toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes include some of the same products found in tobacco products, such as benzene, lead, and nickel. E-cigarettes also contain diacetyl, which scientists have linked to several toxic effects in lung and airway cells.

Nearly 48,000 Texas children under the age of 18 try tobacco products each year. Approximately 3.7% (63,700) of Texas high school students smoke tobacco products. This is higher than the overall United States average (1.9%) for high school students. Similarly, the percentage of Texas high school students who use e-cigarettes (18.7%) is greater compared to the United States average (10%)2 and is associated with the use of other tobacco products.


  1. American Association for Cancer Research. AACR Cancer Progress Report 2023|Eliminate Tobacco Use. AACR Cancer Progress Report 2023|Eliminate Tobacco. Accessed March 19, 2024.

  2. Tobacco-Free Kids. The Toll of Tobacco in Texas. The Toll of Tobacco in Texas. Accessed March 19, 2024.

  3. Cancer in Texas 2023. Tobacco-Associated Cancers. Tobacco-Associated Cancers in Texas

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Electronic Cigarettes. CDC Electronic Cigarettes. Accessed March 20, 2024.


  1. Decrease the percentage of youth who smoke and use e-cigarettes and vaping products.
    • % of students who are current smokers
    • % of students who are current electronic vapor product users
  2. Decrease the percentage of adults who smoke and use e-cigarettes and vaping products.
    • % of adults who are current smokers
    • % of adults who are current e-cigarette users
  3. Reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and vape products.
    • % of Texans covered by comprehensive smoke free workplace, restaurant, and bar laws
  4. Increase funding by state legislature to the Texas DSHS Tobacco Control Branch.
  5. Prohibit the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars.

Strategic Actions

  • Promote and implement comprehensive smoke and vape-free environment policies statewide.
  • Increase prices of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
  • Reduce tobacco users’ out-of-pocket costs for nicotine addiction treatment through policy or program changes.
  • Communicate successes, progress, and areas of continued need to policy makers periodically throughout the year. Improve insurance coverage for comprehensive cessation programs.
  • Advocate for and dedicate consistent and reliable funding for tobacco control at the level recommended by the CDC.
  • Promote laws that raise the minimum legal sale age of tobacco products, including all future tobacco-related products, to 21 years old, including all electronic smoking devices.

  • Increase the percentage of middle and high school youth receiving instructions about why they should not use tobacco products.
  • Increase policies to restrict youth access and use of cigarettes, other commercial tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and vaping products.

  • Promote worksite-based incentives in combination with additional interventions to support individual cessation efforts.
  • Promote the adoption of CEO Gold Standard™ for worksites.
  • Encourage community mobilization combined with additional interventions such as stronger local laws directed at retailers, active enforcement of retailer sales laws, and retailer education with reinforcement.

  • Educate the middle and high school youth about why they should not use tobacco or e-cigarette products.
  • Minimize stress and find healthy ways to relax.
  • For personal use, combining nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), tobacco quitlines , text messaging and web-based cessation interventions, along with seeing a healthcare professional for counseling or medication.

  • Conduct statewide youth and adult focused counter marketing campaigns.
  • Support and promote tobacco quitlines as a free smoking cessation resource, especially among disparate populations.

  • Implement mass-reach health communication campaigns that target large audiences through television and radio broadcasts, print media (e.g., newspaper), out-of-home placements (e.g., billboards, movie theaters, point-of-sale), and digital media to change knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors affecting tobacco use.
  • Educate members about available smoking cessation benefits through private and public insurance plans.

  • Support quitline interventions – particularly proactive interventions.
  • Implement mobile phone-based cessation interventions that use interactive features to deliver evidence-based information, strategies, and behavioral support directly to tobacco users interested in quitting.
  • Educate health professionals and consumers on the dangers of second-hand and third-hand smoke (the tobacco residue that contains toxins found in cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products and remains in buildings through walls, carpet, and furnishings).
  • Expand access to and promote use of comprehensive tobacco cessation programs and services.
  • Conduct health communication campaigns using multiple channels, including mass media, combined with the distribution of free or reduced-price health-related products.
  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors and system support related to increasing provision of or referral to tobacco cessation services.
  • Train com munity health workers on appropriate strategies to prevent the use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, and other nicotine products.

Goal 2: Increase the adoption of healthy behaviors to reduce new cancer cases and deaths associated with alcohol, nutrition, obesity, and lack of physical activity.

The consumption of alcohol is linked to more than 200 diseases and increases the risk of six different types of cancer including certain types of head and neck cancer, throat, breast, colorectal, liver, and stomach cancers.1 Researchers associate long-term alcohol consumption and binge-drinking with the greatest health risks. For those individuals who choose to drink alcohol, researchers recommend limiting intake to one drink or less a day for women and two drinks or less a day for men.2

In 2021, epidemiologists classified 70% of Texas adults as overweight or obese, and in 2022 Texas had the 18th highest rate of adult obesity in the United States. Excessive weight may increase an individual’s insulin and hormones levels and cause chronic inflammation, which can lead to cancer. Researchers have linked overweight/obesity to seven different cancers - post-menopausal breast, colorectal, kidney (renal cell), endometrial, pancreatic, liver, and throat cancers. Endometrial cancers have the highest proportion of diagnoses (60%) attributable to an individual being overweight or obese.3

Maintaining a healthy weight involves following a nutritious diet and participating in regular physical activity starting at an early age and continuing throughout life.4 Social, economic, and cultural factors, as well as policy, influence diet and physical activity behaviors. Individuals make choices on what to eat and how to exercise, but the communities and environments where people live facilitate or impede these choices.5 Experts recommend that adults should move more and sit less throughout the day. For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes a week of moderate activity, or less if it involves vigorous physical activity.6 The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 60 minutes or more of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for children aged 6-17. Unfortunately, almost 80% of Texas children do not meet this recommendation.7 As a state, we can address this issue by encouraging healthy physical activity including at least 30 minutes of daily recess for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, and structured physical education classes using evidence-based programs.8

Texas can also address the cancer risk associated with physical inactivity and obesity by building and restructuring communities in ways that make it safer and easier for residents to be physically active and choose healthy food options where they live, work, learn and play. Specific strategies to address risk factors related to physical inactivity and obesity include multi-component interventions for increasing healthy options for food and beverages in schools, reducing screen time among children, expanding opportunities for physical activity during the school day or school physical education improvements, building an environment that incorporates transportation system and land use/environmental design, and community-based digital health interventions to increase healthy eating and physical activity.9


  1. AACR Cancer Progress Report. Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. Accessed March 21, 2024. AACR Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development

  2. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025. Dietary Guidelines. Accessed March 22, 2024.

  3. Cancer in Texas 2023. Overweight/Obesity-Associated Cancers. Overweight/Obesity-Associated Cancers in Texas

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About Overweight & Obesity. CDC About Overweight & Obesity. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  5. Rock, C.L., Thomson, C., Gansler, T., Gapstur, S.M., et al. (2020), American Cancer Society guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention. CA A Cancer J Clin, 70: 245-271. https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21591

  6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition. 2018. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

  7. School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) Project. Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. SPAN project details. [The Plan]

  8. Healthy Children, Healthy State: Physical Education in Texas. Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. Physical Education in Texas

  9. The Community Guide. Obesity. The Community Guide Obesity. Accessed March 21, 2024.


  1. Increase the percentage of youth and adults who are at a healthy weight.
    • % of high school students who are at a healthy weight
    • % of adults who are at a healthy weight (BMI 18.5 <25)
  2. Increase the percentage of youth and adults who engage in evidence-based physical activity guidelines.
    • % of high school students who are physically active 60 minutes or more on 5 or more days per week (YRBS)
    • % of adults who have engaged in leisure time physical activity in the past month (BRFSS)
  3. Decrease the percentage of adults aged 18 or older who are obese or severely obese.
    • % of adults who are overweight or obese (BMI > 25)
  4. Increase the percentage of youth and adults who follow evidence-based nutrition guidelines.
    • % of adolescents who eat at least five fruits and/or vegetables per day.
    • % of adults who eat at least five fruits and/or vegetables per day.
  5. Decrease the percentage of adults who are heavy drinkers.
    • % of adults who report heavy alcohol use.

Strategic Actions

  • Advocate for and dedicate consistent and reliable funding for implementation of evidence-based nutrition and physical activity recommendations and obesity prevention and control programs and policies
  • Support policies and environments that promote the adoption of healthy behaviors and reduce barriers to accessing healthy food
  • Encourage built environment and land use/environmental design interventions to provide opportunities for people to be more physically active (improving pedestrian or bicycle transportation systems).

  • Support enhanced school-based physical education (PE) [changing the curriculum and course work for K-12 students to increase the amount of time they spend engaged in moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity during PE classes].
  • Implement evidence-based school, youth and adult programs that promote healthy weight, good nutrition, and physical activity.
  • Establish school gardens where students can learn about growing and preparing healthy foods to promote a deeper understanding of nutrition.
  • Implement evidence-based alcohol prevention programs that educate students about the risks of alcohol use and provide strategies to resist peer pressure.

  • Encourage worksites to implement worksite programs to improve diet or physical activity and reduce weight among employees, including the adoption of the CEO Gold Standard™ for worksites.
  • Provide access to onsite fitness facilities or offer subsidies for gym memberships to encourage regular physical activity.
  • Implement flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and flexible hours, to help employees balance work and personal responsibilities, reducing stress.

  • Promote family-based interventions that combine activities to build family support with health education to increase physical activity among children.
  • Implement interventions to reduce sedentary screen time among children.
  • Parents and caregivers should model healthy behaviors, such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, and managing stress effectively.

  • Support evidence-based policies to address excessive consumption of alcohol, including limits on days of sale, hours of sale, increasing alcohol taxes and regulating alcohol outlet density.
  • Conduct adult-awareness campaigns statewide on the links between nutrition, alcohol, physical activity and obesity, diabetes, and risk of cancer.
  • Increase access to healthy, affordable foods by collaborating in a variety of ways to develop and maintain a healthy retail environment.

  • Develop and implement comprehensive wellness programs that include personalized health risk assessments, nutrition counseling, weight management support, and physical activity coaching.
  • Distribute materials and resources on the risks associated with alcohol, poor nutrition, obesity, and physical inactivity through newsletters and mobile app content.
  • Work with community organizations to address social determinants of health that may impact members' ability to adopt healthy behaviors, such as access to healthy food, safe places for physical activity, and healthcare services.

  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors, and system support related to increasing provision of or referral to counseling and services that promote good nutrition, physical activity and obesity reduction and control.
  • Utilize health information technology to conduct comprehensive telehealth interventions to improve healthy eating among adults with chronic diseases, including cancer.
  • Support electronic screening and brief intervention related to alcohol use: screening individuals for excessive drinking and delivering personalized feedback through a brief intervention about risks and consequences.
  • Educate the public, including Texas youth and young adults, on cancer risk related to alcohol usage.
  • Conduct high-quality research on cancer-associated malnutrition screening, nutritional support, and therapies to inform the development of clinical guidelines.

Goal 3: Increase skin protection behaviors to reduce new cases and deaths from melanoma.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a type of light emitted by the sun. UV radiation is also emitted by artificial sources, including tanning beds. Exposure to UV radiation can lead to the development of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer. Repeated and unprotected skin exposure to UV rays can damage the DNA inside skin cells. These genetic changes are responsible for most basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers.1

A common misconception is that people cannot get sunburned on cloudy days. However, up to 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate clouds. Individuals should practice sun-safe habits anytime they are outside to limit exposure to harmful UV radiation.2

Individuals can prevent many cases of skin cancer by increasing UV-protective behaviors, including appropriate sunscreen use and limiting time in the sun especially during peak sun hours (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). Multicomponent community-wide interventions in outdoor, recreational, occupational, child-care center, and primary and middle school-based settings should use combinations of individual-directed strategies, mass media campaigns, and environmental and policy changes across multiple settings within a defined geographic area.3


  1. American Cancer Society. Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer. ACS Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  2. AACR Cancer Progress Report. Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. AACR Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  3. The Community Guide. Skin Cancer: Multicomponent Community-Wide Interventions. The Community Guide Skin Cancer. Accessed March 21, 2024.


  1. Promote skin cancer prevention behavior.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of melanoma
  2. Reduce the mortality from melanoma.
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate of melanoma
  3. Reduce the mortality from melanoma in historically racial and ethnic minorities.
    • Age adjusted mortality rate of melanoma in Non-Hispanic Black

Strategic Actions

  • Advocate for eliminating the use of tanning beds.
  • Support policies that promote behaviors that reduce exposure to UV radiation and support an environment that promotes sun safety.

  • Conduct statewide awareness campaigns recognizing the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer.
  • Increase the number of shaded areas in playgrounds, sports fields, and outdoor eating areas.

  • Provide free sunscreen and protective gear (hats, sunglasses) for outdoor workers.
  • Include skin cancer screenings and dermatology check-ups as part of employee health benefits.

  • Parents and guardians should model good sun protection behaviors, such as applying sunscreen, wearing hats, and seeking shade.
  • Establish family routines that incorporate sun safety, like applying sunscreen before outdoor activities and wearing protective clothing.
  • Educate family members about the risks of UV exposure and the importance of regular skin checks.

  • Provide expertise and tools on the implementation of skin cancer policies in various settings (college campuses, recreational venues, etc.).
  • Conduct statewide awareness campaigns on the link between UV radiation and risk of skin cancer (settings such as parks, schools, daycare centers, worksites, and beaches).

  • Collaborate with healthcare providers to distribute educational materials on skin cancer prevention and early detection to members.
  • Ensure that health insurance plans provide coverage for skin cancer screenings and dermatology visits.

  • Promote multi-component community-based interventions focused on skin cancer prevention through individual-focused strategies, mass media, and environmental and policy changes in multiple settings in a geographic area as a collaborative effort to influence sun protective behaviors.
  • Establish additional partnerships with recreational venues and corporate entities, as these may be potential settings for educational sessions.
  • Organize community engagement events and programs focused on skin cancer awareness and prevention.
  • Provide patients with educational materials on the importance of sun protection and how to perform regular skin self-exams.

Goal 4: Reduce the risk of cancers associated with environmental carcinogens.

According to the National Cancer Plan, it is possible to prevent more than half of all cancers by applying existing knowledge, which includes reducing toxins and exposure to environmental carcinogens.1 Environmental carcinogens are substances present in our environment that can lead to cancer. These include arsenic, asbestos, radon, lead, radiation, and other chemical pollutants.2 People take in these environmental pollutants through the air we breathe and the food and water we eat and drink, making them difficult to avoid.

Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers and is the second leading cause of lung cancer overall. It is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year.3 Radon is a radioactive colorless, odorless, and tasteless soil gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water.4 Radon exposure occurs when the gas migrates through permeable rocks and soils, eventually seeping into buildings and becoming trapped. Although many Texas homes are safe from radon, researchers have identified several areas of Texas where local geology likely contributes to the potential for elevated levels of indoor radon.

A growing body of evidence links other toxic environmental exposures to certain cancers. Researchers are still determining the full extent of environmental influences on cancer, including the types and magnitude of environmental contaminants, and the effects of lifetime human exposure to combinations of chemicals or other agents. Current challenges, such as inadequate exposure measurement tools and lack of policy related to the regulation of hazardous exposures, hinders research and cancer prevention efforts.

Certain population groups, such as workers who may be exposed to carcinogens on the job, are more likely to have cancers caused by involuntary exposures to environmental carcinogens. Outside of the workplace, some steps Texans can take to limit their exposure to known carcinogens include quitting smoking and testing for home radon levels.5


  1. National Cancer Plan. Goals to Prevent Cancer. Prevent Cancer. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  2. AACR Cancer Progress Report. Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. AACR Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Health Risk of Radon. Health Risk of Radon. Accessed March 26, 2024.

  4. Texas Tech University. Texas Radon Information. Texas Radon Information. Accessed March 26, 2024.

  5. National Cancer Institute. Environmental Carcinogens and Cancer Risk. NCI Environmental Carcinogens and Cancer Risk. Accessed March 21, 2024.


  1. Increase research related to environmental carcinogens.
  2. Improve availability and public access to information about environmental and occupational exposures.

Strategic Actions

  • Advocate for and dedicate consistent and reliable funding for evidence-based epidemiologic and environmental monitoring and research across the life course (in utero and childhood, workplace, and multi-generational exposures).
  • Advocate for system changes and training programs to prevent community and workplace exposure to carcinogens.
  • Enact local construction ordinances that include radon-resistant language.

  • Ensure schools are free from harmful chemicals by using non-toxic cleaning supplies and maintaining good indoor air quality.
  • Regularly test and ensure the safety of drinking water in schools, addressing any contamination issues promptly.

  • Support workplace and community-based initiatives that reduce environmental exposures to substances or chemicals linked to cancer.
  • Promote urban planning that reduces exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as creating green spaces and reducing traffic pollution.
  • Provide appropriate protective equipment and training for employees working with hazardous substances.
  • Implement and enforce occupational health and safety standards to minimize exposure to carcinogens in the workplace.

  • Test your home for radon.
  • Use non-toxic personal care and household products to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.
  • Stay informed about local environmental issues and advocate for policies that reduce environmental carcinogens.

  • Develop an awareness campaign about radon-resistant construction techniques and methods.
  • Collaborate with cities and housing departments to develop initiatives that provide financial assistance for radon testing.
  • Organize community health initiatives, such as tree planting drives, clean-up events, and health fairs focused on environmental health.

  • Provide policyholders and members with educational resources on reducing exposure to environmental carcinogens.
  • Offer incentives for policyholders and members to adopt behaviors that reduce exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as using green products and testing home air quality.

  • Implement evidence-based policies, programs, and system changes to increase transparency and information sharing among the public, researchers, regulatory agencies, and industry about environmental carcinogens.
  • Support increased research and funding on environmental cancer risks.
  • Educate the public, health care providers, public health officials, schools, property owners and managers, and policy makers about known and emerging environmental carcinogens including radon and other environmental substances linked to cancer.

Goal 5: Eliminate cervical cancer and other cancers associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) in Texas by increasing HPV vaccinations.

Scientists have determined that infections caused by certain pathogens, including the human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and Helicobacter pylori, can cause cancer. Globally, these four pathogens account for more than 90% of cancer cases.1

HPV is a group of more than 100 related viruses. Researchers consider some types of HPV “high-risk.” High-risk HPV infections change the way a cell behaves, weaken the immune system, and cause chronic inflammation, all of which can lead to cancer.

HPV-associated cancer is a specific cellular type of cancer found in a part of the body susceptible to HPV infection. These parts of the body include the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and oropharynx (back of the throat). Each year in the United States, HPV causes about 37,800 of the 47,984 (79%) cancer cases diagnosed in parts of the body where HPV infections occur: 26,280 among women, and 21,704 among men.2 In Texas, the average age-adjusted incidence rate for all HPV-associated cancers is 12.4 per 100,000 population.3

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that HPV infection is responsible for 90% of cervical and anal cancers, 70% of oropharyngeal cancers, vaginal, and vulvar cancers, and 60% of penile cancers. The most common HPV-associated cancers are cervical cancer (women) and oropharyngeal (men). Men’s rate of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer is five-times higher than for women.

The most recently approved 9-valent HPV vaccine, protects against nine of the 13 distinct types of cancer-causing HPV strains. The HPV vaccine is safe and effective, but patients must get all the shots in the series for full protection. According to the CDC, scientific research shows the benefits of HPV vaccination far outweigh the potential risks.4

HPV routine vaccine can start as early as age 9 and should begin by age 11 or 12 to maximize the number of people protected through on-time vaccination.5 Healthcare policy experts recommend two doses of HPV vaccine when given before the child turns 15, and three doses for teens and young adults (up to age 26) who start the series after they are 15. Immunocompromised people should receive three doses of the HPV vaccine, even if they start the series before they are 15.

The rate of 13-17-year-olds (male and female) in Texas with up-to-date HPV vaccination coverage (58.5%) was lower than the overall rate in the United States (62.6%) in 2022.6


  1. AACR Cancer Progress Report. Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. AACR Reducing the Risk of Cancer Development. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HPV and Cancer. CDC HPV and Cancer. Accessed December 10, 2024.

  3. Cancer in Texas 2023. HPV-Associated Cancers. HPV-Associated Cancers in Texas. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HPV Vaccination Recommendations. CDC HPV Vaccination Recommendations Accessed March 21, 2024.

  5. Perkins, R. B., Humiston, S., & Oliver, K. (2023). Evidence supporting the initiation of HPV vaccination starting at age 9: Collection overview. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 19(3). Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics

  6. National Cancer Institute. State Cancer Profiles: Texas. NCI State Cancer Profiles: Texas. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  7. AL elimination plan: https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/bandc/assets/cervicalcancer_actionplan.pdf


  1. Increase the percentage of females (aged 13-17 years old) who initiate the HPV vaccination series.
    • 77.8% (Baseline, 2022 NIS-Teen) to 85%
  2. Increase the percentage of males (aged 13-17 years old) who initiate the HPV vaccination series.
    • 63% (Baseline, 2022 NIS-Teen) to 73%
  3. Increase the percentage of females (aged 13-17 years old) who are up to date with the HPV vaccination series.
    • 63.5% (Baseline, 2022 NIS-Teen) to 73%
  4. Increase the percentage of males (aged 13-17 years old) who are up to date with the HPV vaccination series.
    • 53.7% (Baseline, 2022 NIS-Teen) to 64%

Strategic Actions

  • Support policies that promote HPV vaccinations.
  • Reduce out-of-pocket costs for vaccinations.
  • Implement Opt-out instead of Opt-in registration in ImmTrac2, Texas’ immunization registry.
  • Allow vaccination at pharmacies for all ACIP vaccinations without prescription for all children.
  • Implement clinical alerts in ImmTrac2 for HPV vaccination starting at age 9.
  • Increase number of providers uploading vaccination data to ImmTrac2.

  • Educate the community (children, parents, and adults) on the 6 HPV related cancers and the potential to eliminate these cancers with HPV vaccination as prevention.
  • Enhance/provide HPV education to students in health class.
  • Educate school districts on HPV vaccination importance.
  • Encourage school districts to utilize language around all ACIP recommended vaccines not just those required for school.
  • Send informational materials home with students to educate parents about the benefits and availability of the HPV vaccine.

  • Ensure that employee health insurance plans cover the cost of the HPV vaccine without out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Organize on-site vaccination clinics or provide time off for employees to get their children vaccinated.

  • Ensure that children receive and complete the HPV vaccine series.
  • Parents should educate themselves about HPV and advocate for vaccination within their communities and social networks.
  • Keep up with regular pediatric appointments and discuss the HPV vaccine with healthcare providers.

  • Conduct awareness campaigns on the link between infectious disease and cancer risk.
  • Implement evidence-based programs that promote immunization of teens and pre-teens of both sexes against HPV.
  • Educate the community on HPV vaccination starting at age 9.
  • Partner with local health departments and community clinics to run public health campaigns that promote HPV vaccination and dispel myths.

  • Implement interventions that remind clients that vaccinations are due or late.
  • Ensure that insurance plans provide full coverage for HPV vaccination, with no out-of-pocket costs for policyholders.
  • Develop incentive programs that reward policyholders for vaccinating their children against HPV.

  • Promote provider assessment and feedback interventions that evaluate provider performance in delivering vaccinations.
  • Promote population-based immunization information systems to increase vaccination rates.
  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors, and system support related to increasing provision of or referral to immunizations against HPV.
  • Encourage and support health care providers to implement clinical alerts in EHR to flag patients for HPV vaccination starting at age 9.
  • Integrate HPV vaccination into routine healthcare visits, such as annual check-ups and pediatric appointments.
  • Train healthcare providers on the importance of HPV vaccination and effective communication strategies to encourage vaccination.
  • Educate the medical community on HPV vaccination starting at age 9, on proven strategies to increase HPV vaccination rates in practice, and on strong vaccination recommendations to reduce missed opportunities.

Goal 6: Increase Hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccination and completion rates to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that attacks the liver.1 Chronic HBV causes liver inflammation and damage that can lead to liver cancer and other malignancies if left untreated. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer in adults and typically develops in people with liver disease caused by HBV or cirrhosis.2 Effective interventions to prevent live cancer include getting the hepatitis B vaccine, avoiding risk factors, increasing protective factors, and getting treatment for chronic hepatitis B infection.

The best way to prevent hepatitis B is by getting vaccinated. According to the CDC, the hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective, but patients must get all the shots in the series for full protection. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all children and adults up to age 59, as well as older adults at risk for HBV, receive the HBV vaccine to reduce their risk of chronic hepatitis B and liver cancer.3 Adults who are 60 years or older with known risk factors for hepatitis B may also receive hepatitis B vaccine.1


  1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis B Vaccination. CDC Hepatitis B Vaccination. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  2. National Cancer Institute. Liver Cancer Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention. NCI Liver Cancer Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention. Accessed March 21, 2024.

  3. American Cancer Society. Liver Cancer. ACS Liver Cancer. Accessed March 22, 2024.


  1. Increase the percentage of youth and adults who have completed the recommended Hepatitis B vaccine series according to national guidelines
    • % of adolescents aged 13-17 years who completed three or more doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (NIS Teen). 84.4% (2021) to 93%
  2. Increase the percentage of adults who have completed the recommended Hepatitis B vaccine series according to national guidelines.
    • % of adults who completed three or more doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (BRFSS) 48.5% (2019) to 53%

Strategic Actions

  • Support policies that promote Hepatitis B vaccinations.
  • Reduce out-of-pocket costs for vaccinations.
  • Allocate funding for Hep B vaccination programs, particularly in underserved and high-risk communities.
  • Enact legislation requiring Hep B vaccination for all school-aged children and healthcare workers, with appropriate exemptions.

  • Collaborate with local health departments to provide Hep B vaccinations at schools, making it convenient for students to receive the vaccine.
  • Send informational materials home with students to educate parents about the Hep B vaccine and the importance of completing the vaccine series.

  • Provide educational sessions and materials about Hep B, its risks, and the importance of vaccination.
  • Ensure that employee health insurance plans cover the cost of the Hep B vaccine without out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Ensure that all family members, especially children and at-risk adults, receive the Hep B vaccine according to the recommended schedule.
  • Parents should educate themselves about Hep B and advocate for vaccination within their communities and social networks.
  • Maintain regular medical check-ups and discuss the Hep B vaccination with their healthcare provider, ensuring completion of the vaccine series.

  • Partner with local health departments to run public health campaigns that promote Hep B vaccination and educate the community about its importance.
  • Host community engagement events, which provide information and opportunities for Hep B vaccination, especially in high-risk populations.

  • Ensure that all insurance plans provide full coverage for Hep B vaccination, with no out-of-pocket costs for policyholders.
  • Develop incentive programs that reward policyholders for vaccinating their children and completing the Hep B vaccine series.

  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors, and system support related to increasing provision of or referral to immunizations against Hepatitis B.
  • Implement evidence-based programs that promote immunization of high-risk adults against Hepatitis B.
  • Implement interventions that remind clients that vaccinations are due or late.
  • Promote provider assessment and feedback interventions that evaluate provider performance in delivering vaccinations.
Screening and Early Detection

Screening and Early Detection


Widespread availability and accessibility of cancer screenings and the early detection of cancer can have a significant impact on the cancer burden in Texas, reducing the overall number of new cases and deaths from the disease. Healthcare providers use screening and early detection efforts to find cancer at its earliest stages when clinicians can treat it more effectively with less toxicity, and often less cost.

The American Cancer Society, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommend routine screenings for the following cancer types for populations that meet specific screening criteria:

  • breast cancer
  • cervical cancer
  • colorectal cancer
  • lung cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • liver cancer

Detecting cancer early when treatment is more effective and before it has spread throughout the body, saves lives. Although the public health community recognizes the importance of screening for certain types of cancer, screening rates in Texas are less than the national average, especially for population groups with the greatest cancer disparities. Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and Texas have more unscreened cancers diagnosed at later stages compared to non-Hispanic Whites.

Through increased use of cancer screenings, particularly for high-risk individuals, Texas can decrease the number of late-stage cancer diagnoses and the overall cancer mortality rate. The recommended frequency of cancer screenings varies according to the type of cancer, age, family history, genetics, exposure to certain types of viruses, and lifestyle factors. An individual and their healthcare provider should discuss and share the decision regarding when to begin regular cancer screenings.

To reduce cancer incidence and mortality in the state, stakeholders must address the complex and often intertwined barriers that deter individuals from screening for cancer. Issues that affect screening adherence may vary by region and population and can include:

  • awareness of screening recommendations in the target population,
  • navigation/referral procedures within the healthcare system,
  • availability of screening facilities in a certain service area,
  • distance and time to screening services,
  • screening facility hours of operation,
  • availability of screening services in non-clinical settings (e.g., mobile mammography),
  • availability of transportation to and from screening,
  • insurance status (insured, uninsured, underinsured) and screening costs,
  • cultural, social, and linguistic differences, and
  • stigma.

Screening for cancer outside of a doctor’s office through self-collected samples, mobile units, and other alternatives, may remove barriers that accompany traditional care, resulting in increased screening adherence.

An emerging issue related to cancer screenings is the increase in cancer rates in younger adults in Texas and the United States.1 According to the ACS, incidence rates for colorectal, breast, cervical, and prostate cancers are rising, especially among younger populations in the United States.2 The early-onset cancer trend is particularly concerning because this population is often younger than the earliest recommended age to start routinely available cancer screenings.

Goal 7

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the % of women who receive breast cancer screening according to national guidelines. % of women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years. 73.1% (BRFSS, 2016) 73.8% (BRFSS, 2022) 80.0% Δ 8.4% 76.3% (BRFSS, 2022)
Reduce the rate of breast cancer at late stage. Age-adjusted incidence rate of female breast cancer at late stage (regional and distant) 34.3 per 100,000 (TCR, 2015) 41.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 38.1 per 100,000 Δ 10% 42.6 per 100,000 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate, female breast cancer 19.6 per 100,000 (TCR, 2015) 19.5 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 17 per 100,000 Δ 15% 18.7 per 100,000 (NVSS, 2022)
Increase the % of women living in rural counties who receive breast cancer screening according to national guidelines. % of Women, 50-74 Years Old, Who Reported Breast Cancer Screening by Mammogram in the Past Two Years in Rural Counties NA 68.5% (BRFSS, 2020) 75.0% Δ 9.5% NA
Reduce the mortality rate of Non-Hispanic Black women in Texas. Age-adjusted mortality rate Non-Hispanic Black, female breast cancer NA 28.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 26.3 per 100,000 Δ 10% 26.8 per 100,000 (NVSS, 2018-2022)

Goal 8

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the % of women who receive cervical cancer screening according to national guidelines. % of women aged 21-65 who have had a Pap test in the past three years. 75.0% (BRFSS, 2016) 75.0% (BRFSS, 2020) 80% Δ 7% 77.7% (BRFSS, 2020)
Reduce the rate of invasive cervical cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of cervical cancer at invasive stage (local, regional and distant). 9.1 per 100,000 (TCR, 2015) 9.6 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 8.0 Δ 20% 7.4 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate, cervical cancer. 2.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2015) 2.8 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 2.3 Δ 20% 2.1 (NVSS, 2022)
Reduce the incidence rate of Hispanic women in Texas. Age-adjusted incidence rate Hispanic, cervical cancer. NA 12 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 10 Δ 20% 9.6 (SEER+NPCR, 2017-2021)

Goal 9

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the % of adults who receive colorectal cancer screening according to national guidelines. % of adults, ages 45-75, who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation. NA 61.4% (BRFSS, 2022) 70% Δ 14% 66.9% (BRFSS, 2022)
Reduce rate of invasive colorectal cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of colorectal cancer at invasive stage (local, regional and distant) 37.4 per 100,000 (TCR, 2008) 37.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 30.3 Δ 25% 21.8 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate, colorectal cancer 15.8 per 100,000 (TCR, 2008) 13.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 12.6 Δ 10% 12.6 (NVSS, 2022)
Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black men developing and dying from colorectal cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of colorectal cancer, Non-Hispanic Black men NA 54.1 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 48.5 Δ 12% 48.5 (SEER+NPCR, 2017-2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate of colorectal cancer, Non-Hispanic Black men NA 24.8 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 21.3 Δ 16% 21.3 (NVSS, 2018-2022)

Goal 10

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Reduce the rate of lung cancer at late stage. Age-adjusted incidence rate of lung cancer at late stage (regional and distant) 34.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2014) 27.4 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 23.8 Δ 15% 31.4 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate, lung cancer 35.1 per 100,000 (TCR, 2015) 27.7 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 24.1 Δ 15% 29.9 (NVSS, 2022)
Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black women developing lung cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of lung cancer, Non-Hispanic Black women NA 42.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 35.0 Δ 23% 44.8 (SEER+NPCR, 2017-2021)

Goal 11

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase prostate cancer screening of adult males. % of male adults, 55-69 years old, who had a PSA test within past two years NA 35.3% (BRFSS, 2020) 42.4% Δ 20% 35.2% (BRFSS, 2020)
Reduce rate of invasive prostate cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of prostate cancer NA 105.8 per 100,000 (TCR, 2021) 92.0 Δ 15% 114.7 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black men developing and dying from prostate cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of prostate cancer, Non-Hispanic Black men NA 176.9 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 150.0 Δ 18% 179.7 (SEER+NPCR, 2017-2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate of prostate cancer, Non-Hispanic Black men NA 35.0 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 30.0 Δ 17% 37.2 (NVSS, 2018-2022)

Goal 12

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Reduce rate of invasive liver cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of liver cancer NA 16.5 (TCR, 2021) 13.8 Δ 20% 8.4 (SEER+NPCR, 2021)
Reduce the rate of Hispanic men developing and dying from liver cancer. Age-adjusted incidence rate of liver cancer, Hispanic men NA 28.3 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 23.6 Δ 20% 19.8 (SEER+NPCR, 2017-2021)
Age-adjusted mortality rate of liver cancer, Hispanic men NA 16.6 per 100,000 (TCR, 2017-2021) 13.3 Δ 25% 12.6 (NVSS, 2018-2022)


  1. American Cancer Society. Facts & Figures 2024. Facts & Figures

  2. American Cancer Society. ACS Research News. ACS Research News. Accessed August 2024

Goal 7: Increase screening and early detection to increase the number of cancers diagnosed at an early stage and reduce deaths from breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the leading cancer diagnosis among Texas women and is the second leading cause of death from cancer for women in Texas. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 23,290 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in Texas in 2024.1

In Texas, Black women receive more later stage breast cancer diagnoses than White women and are 40% more likely to die of breast cancer than White women.2 The higher mortality rate for Black women diagnosed with breast cancer in Texas aligns with other health inequities, including disparities in access to high quality health care.3

Breast cancer screenings are responsible for a substantial reduction in cancer mortality. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) updated their breast cancer screening guidelines in 2024. The USPSTF recommends that women with average risk of breast cancer receive mammograms, the most common screening test for breast cancer, every other year starting at age 40 and continuing through age 74.4

Women with inherited changes in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes or in certain other genes have a higher risk of breast cancer and should talk with their doctor regarding the right time to begin mammograms and other diagnostic measures. Clinicians may use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to screen women who have an elevated risk of breast cancer. The United States Food and Drug Administration approved digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) in 2018. Three out of four facilities now use DBT. Other screening tools include clinical and self-breast exams, thermography, and tissue sampling.5

The FDA recently required a breast density notification in mammography reports, stating in lay language if a patient's breast density is dense or not dense.6 Women with dense breast tissue are at higher risk of developing breast cancer than those with less dense tissue. Healthcare providers may develop different screening strategies, such as earlier and more frequent screenings, and breast ultrasound or MRI screening, for women with dense breast tissue, which will lead to improved detection rates. This new rule will enhance Texas women’s access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment.


  1. American Cancer Society. Explore Cancer Statistics. Estimated New Cancer Cases. Accessed August 29, 2024.

  2. Ward AS, Van Nuys K, and Lakdawalla D. (2021). Reducing Racial Disparities In Early Cancer Diagnosis With Blood-Based Tests. Reducing Racial Disparities in Early Cancer Diagnosis

  3. Henderson JT, Webber EM, Weyrich M, et al. Screening for Breast Cancer: A Comparative Effectiveness Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2024 Apr. (Evidence Synthesis, No. 231.) Chapter 4, Discussion. Screening for Breast Cancer

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations. CDC Screening for Breast Cancer. Accessed December 10, 2024.

  5. National Cancer Institute. Breast Cancer Screening. NCI Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ). Accessed April 1, 2024.

  6. U.S. FDA. Radiation-Emitting Products. Mammography Quality Standards Act. Accessed September 9, 2024.


  1. Increase the percentage of women who receive breast cancer screening according to national guidelines.
    • Percentage of women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years.
  2. Reduce the rate of breast cancer at late stage.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of female breast cancer at late stage (regional and distant).
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate, female breast cancer.
  3. Increase the percentage of women living in rural counties who receive breast cancer screening according to national guidelines.
    • Percentage of Women, 50-74 years old, who report breast cancer screening by mammogram in the past two years in rural counties (BRFSS).
  4. Reduce the mortality rate of Non-Hispanic Black women in Texas.
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate Non-Hispanic Black, female breast cancer.

Strategic Actions

  • Enact policies that ensure that all insurance plans cover breast cancer screenings, including mammograms, with no out-of-pocket costs for patients, particularly for those with an elevated risk and younger individuals.
  • Fund and support statewide public health campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of regular breast cancer screenings and the age to begin screenings.
  • Allocate resources to expand state breast cancer treatment funds.

  • Provide educational materials to students to take home, encouraging discussions about family history and the importance of regular screenings for mothers and guardians.
  • Partner with local health organizations to host educational events and workshops for students, staff, and parents on breast cancer awareness and the importance of early detection.

  • Develop workplace policies that encourage and support employees in scheduling and attending regular breast cancer screenings.
  • Offer incentives such as wellness points, reduced insurance premiums, or paid time off for employees who complete regular breast cancer screenings.
  • Provide regular educational sessions on breast cancer awareness, risk factors, and the importance of early detection.

  • Encourage regular discussions within families about breast cancer risk, family history, and the importance of screenings.
  • Schedule regular mammograms and encourage all eligible family members to do the same, ensuring completion of screening appointments and follow-ups.
  • Advocate for loved ones to seek regular screenings and share educational resources on the benefits of early detection.

  • Conduct community-based engagement activities to raise awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection, targeting underserved populations.
  • Organize free or low-cost breast cancer screening events, particularly in areas with limited access to healthcare services.
  • Collaborate with local healthcare providers to ensure that community members have access to breast cancer screenings and follow-up care.

  • Ensure that all health insurance plans cover annual mammograms and other breast cancer screenings without any cost-sharing.
  • Conduct targeted outreach to remind members when they are due for breast cancer screenings and provide information on where and how to access these services.

  • Offer comprehensive breast cancer screening services as part of routine care, with streamlined processes for scheduling and follow-ups.
  • Train healthcare providers on the latest breast cancer screening guidelines and best practices for encouraging patient participation in screening programs.
  • Provide patient navigation services to help women, especially those in underserved populations, access breast cancer screenings and follow-up care.
  • Use electronic health records to identify patients who are due for screenings and implement reminder systems to ensure they receive timely care.

Goal 8: Increase screening and early detection to reduce the number of new cases and deaths from cervical cancer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine cervical cancer screening is an effective way to reduce the cancer burden by finding cases earlier when the cancer is more responsive to treatment.1 However, in 2024 almost 30% of eligible people with a cervix in the United States cannot or do not receive cervical cancer screening at the recommended intervals.

Cervical cancer screening is one of three age-based cancer screenings currently recommended for women. The Papanicolaou (Pap) test also detects precancerous cellular changes to cervical tissue, which doctors can treat before it develops into cancer.2 The CDC recommends that women should begin Pap tests at age 21. If the Pap test result is normal, women may wait three years for the next Pap test.

Co-testing is another option for cervical cancer screening. This involves performing the human papillomavirus (HPV) test along with the Pap test. If a woman receives normal results for both tests, she can wait five years until her next screening test.2 Health officials encourage shared decision making with a doctor to discuss Pap screening frequency and HPV co-testing.

The United States Food and Drug Administration recently expanded the approval of two tests that allow self-collection in a health care setting to detect cancer-causing types of HPV in the cervix. Cervical cancer screening by vaginal specimen self-collection for HPV testing expands access, making it easier to screen all people to prevent cervical cancer.

Although cervical cancer is the most common HPV-associated cancer among women, with rates in Texas higher than the United States average,2 it is not the only cancer associated with HPV. In the United States doctors diagnosed approximately 46,711 new cases of cancer (25,689 cases in women and 21,022 cases in men) in parts of the body where HPV infection occurs. HPV causes about 37,000 of these cancers.3

In Texas, the average age-adjusted incidence rate for all HPV-associated cancers is 12.4 cases per 100,000 population. Approximately 3,650 new cases of HPV-associated cancers occur in Texas each year (2,120 in women and 1,530 in men). As of 2024, Texas women 40-49 years of age have the highest cervical cancer incidence rates (17.5 cases per 100,000 women). From 2017-2021, Hispanic women had the highest cervical cancer incidence rate in Texas (12.0 cases per 100,000) compared to other race/ethnic groups, and non-Hispanic Black women had the highest mortality rate (3.5 deaths per 100,000). In 2020, 75% of Texas women ages 21-65 self-reported having a Pap test within the past three years. In 2022, 58.5% of Texans ages 13-17 were considered up to date with the HPV vaccine series.4 In addition to HPV-related carcinomas of the cervix, HPV-related cancers include HPV-related squamous cell carcinomas of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and oropharynx (back of the throat). Many of these cancers are preventable with currently available vaccines.

Screening is a part of the puzzle on the way to prevention. While expanding access to HPV screening is vital for reducing the number cervical cancer cases, stakeholders should also address low levels of follow-up care.5 Underserved women at high risk of cervical cancer because of race or age likely have higher risks of noncompliance with screening guidelines, low quality/high deductible insurance, and lack of follow up from subsidized government or nonprofit clinics.6, 7, 8 Follow-up care in considering associations with racial and ethnic disparities in care and social determinants of health is not well researched and should be a priority, as an important area for future research.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HPV and Cancer. CDC Cancers Linked with HPV Each Year. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cervical Cancer. Screening for Cervical Cancer. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  3. Cancer in Texas 2023. HPV-Associated Cancers. DSHS Cancer in Texas 2023. Accessed March 27, 2024.

  4. National Cancer Institute. State Cancer Profiles: Texas. NCI State Cancer Profiles: Texas. Accessed November 8, 2024.

  5. National Cancer Institute. News & Events. NCI HPV Tests That Allow for Self-Collection. Accessed August 6, 2024.

  6. Jensen, B.; Khan, H.; Layeequr Rahman, R. Sociodemographic Determinants in Cervical Cancer Screening Among the Underserved West Texas Women. Women's Health Reports 2023, 4, 191-201, doi:10.1089/whr.2022.0050.

  7. Salcedo, M.; Gowen, R.; Rodriguez, A.; Fisher-Hoch, S.; Daheri, M.; Guerra, L.; Toscano, P.; Gasca, M.; Morales, J.; Reyna-Rodriguez, F. Addressing high cervical cancer rates in the Rio Grande Valley along the Texas–Mexico border: a community-based initiative focused on education, patient navigation, and medical provider training/telementoring. Perspectives in public health 2023, 143, 22-28, doi:10.1177/1757913921994610.

  8. Bedell, S.L.; Goldstein, L.S.; Goldstein, A.R.; Goldstein, A.T. Cervical cancer screening: past, present, and future. Sexual medicine reviews 2020, 8, 28-37, doi:10.1016/j.sxmr.2019.09.005.


  1. Increase the percentage of women who receive cervical cancer screening according to national guidelines.
    • Percentage of women aged 21-65 who have had a Pap test in the past three years.
  2. Reduce the rate of invasive cervical cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of cervical cancer at invasive stage (local, regional, and distant).
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate, cervical cancer.
  3. Reduce the cervical cancer incidence rate for Hispanic women in Texas.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate Hispanic, cervical cancer.

Strategic Actions

  • Allocate resources to expand access to cervical cancer screenings in underserved and rural areas, including mobile health units and community clinics.
  • Raise awareness about the importance of cervical cancer screenings (Pap tests and HPV tests) and HPV vaccination to policy makers.

  • Provide educational materials to students to take home, emphasizing the importance of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer prevention.
  • Implement school-based HPV vaccination programs, making vaccines easily accessible to students and encouraging parental consent through educational outreach.

  • Provide employees with educational sessions on cervical cancer prevention, including the importance of regular Pap tests and HPV vaccination.
  • Develop workplace policies that support employees in scheduling and attending cervical cancer screenings, including flexible work hours or paid leave.

  • Encourage family members to get the HPV vaccine and schedule regular cervical cancer screenings for women of the appropriate age.
  • Foster open discussions about cervical cancer prevention, including the importance of knowing family medical history and risk factors.

  • Provide individual and/or group education on cervical cancer screenings that explains eligibility, benefits, risks, unknowns, and ways to overcome barriers.
  • Organize free or low-cost cervical cancer screening events, particularly in areas with limited access to healthcare.

  • Conduct targeted outreach campaigns to inform members about the importance of cervical cancer screening and vaccination, including reminders for those due for screenings.
  • Implement programs that identify members at higher risk for cervical cancer and provide personalized screening schedules and additional support.
  • Implement small media, such as videos, and printed materials (letters, brochures, newsletters), to inform and motivate Texans to receive cervical cancer screenings.

  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors, and system support related to improving service delivery.
  • Encourage shared decision making between health professionals and patients for screening.
  • Increase health professionals’ awareness of USPSTF guidelines for family history collection and assessment, genetic counseling, and genetic testing for cancers linked to hereditary predispositions.
  • Provide patient navigation services to help women, especially those in underserved populations, access cervical cancer screenings and follow-up care.

Goal 9: Increase screening and early detection to reduce the number of new cases and deaths from colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality rates in the United States have dropped by over 30% among adults 50 and older in the last 15 years, substantially due to introduction and widespread use of colorectal screenings.1 The United States Preventive Services Task Force, the American Cancer Society, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend starting CRC screening at the age of 45.2

Doctors use several screening tests to find polyps or colorectal cancer. Differences exist in the risks and benefits for the various CRC screening methods. A positive or abnormal result on screening tests such as a stool test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or CT colonography, requires a colonoscopy test to complete the CRC screening process.2

The CDC provides information for those who may need to start CRC screening earlier due to variables that increase the individual’s CRC risk, such as family history, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis) or a genetic syndrome such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome). The individual and their healthcare provider should discuss the appropriate age to begin CRC screening and the right screening method.

CRC screening is effective in reducing CRC incidence and death, but it continues to be underutilized, particularly in under-resourced communities and populations.3 Texas remains behind the national average in CRC screening (61% vs. 67%,) 4, 5 despite numerous actions taken to reduce barriers, including new laws to remove out-of-pocket costs for patients needing a colonoscopy following a positive non-invasive screening test. Lead-time messaging - delivery of accurate, relevant, and actionable information regarding risk and risk-based screening options prior to the recommended starting age for average and high-risk individuals - is another tool used to reduce barriers and ensure on-time screening.6

Researchers have documented an increased CRC incidence among individuals younger than 50 years old, also known as early-onset CRC. Individuals born around 1990 have double and quadruple the risk of colon and rectal cancers.


  1. American Cancer Society. National Colorectal Cancer Round Table. Colorectal Cancer is a Major Public Health Problem. Accessed September 5, 2024.

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests. CDC Screening for Colorectal Cancer. Accessed April 1, 2024.

  3. Zhan FB, Liu Y, Yang M, Kluz N, Pignone, M, et al. Using GIS to Identify Priority Sites for Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs in Texas Health Centers. Prev Chronic Dis 2023;20:220205. doi.org/10.5888/pcd20.220205

  4. Fight Colorectal Cancer. “New Texas Law Removes Barriers to Colorectal Cancer” (press release). 2021. New Texas Law. Accessed September 6, 2024.

  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Population Health. BRFSS Prevalence & Trends Data [online]. 2015. https://www.cdc.gov/brfss/brfssprevalence/. Accessed Sep 06, 2024.

  6. American Cancer Society. National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (pdf). 2023 Lead Time Messaging Guidebook v15.


  1. Increase the percentage of adults who receive colorectal cancer screening according to national guidelines.
    • Percentage of adults, ages 45-75, who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation.
  2. Reduce the rate of invasive colorectal cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of colorectal cancer at invasive stage (local, regional, and distant)
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate, colorectal cancer
  3. Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black Men developing and dying from colorectal cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of colorectal cancer, Non-Hispanic Black
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate of colorectal cancer, Non-Hispanic Black

Strategic Actions

  • Implement policies that increase funding for CRC screening programs, particularly in underserved and rural areas.
  • Educate policy makers on the importance of early detection and available screening options, focused on early-onset CRC.

  • Engage parents and families through school communications to raise awareness on the importance of early detection and CRC prevention.
  • Partner with local health organizations to host community health events at schools, particularly in rural and underserved areas, where families can receive information about CRC screening.

  • Implement policies that allow employees paid time off to undergo CRC screenings, reducing barriers for those who may avoid screening due to time constraints.
  • If feasible, provide access to onsite or nearby health clinics that offer CRC screening, particularly in workplaces in rural or underserved areas.

  • Encourage family discussions about the importance of CRC screening, particularly for those with a family history of the disease.
  • If a family history exists, encourage speaking with a genetic counselor or other health professional trained in genetic counseling.

  • Utilize culturally appropriate materials to educate minority populations about CRC risks and the benefits of screening.
  • Conduct targeted outreach and engagement to uninsured and underinsured populations, offering information about affordable CRC screening options and financial assistance programs.
  • Offer transportation services to screening appointments, reducing a common barrier for rural and low-income populations.
  • Organize community-based CRC screening events, utilizing mobile units or partnerships with local healthcare providers to offer screenings at no or low cost.

  • Develop incentive programs that encourage policyholders to complete recommended CRC screenings, such as premium reductions or gift cards.
  • Ensure comprehensive coverage for CRC screenings, including colonoscopies and non-invasive tests, without copays or deductibles, especially for high-risk groups.
  • Implement lead-time messaging, to ensure on-time CRC screening for average risk individuals.

  • Promote the use of home-based fecal tests, such as FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test), which can be a less invasive and more accessible option for CRC screening.
  • Implement reminder systems within electronic health records (EHR) to alert providers and patients when they are due for CRC screenings.
  • Provide patient navigation services to help individuals, especially those from underserved populations, understand the CRC screening process, schedule appointments, and overcome barriers to care.
  • Train healthcare providers in culturally competent care to ensure that all patients feel comfortable and informed about the importance of screening.

Goal 10: Increase screening and early detection among Texans at high risk for lung cancer to increase the number of lung cancers diagnosed at an early stage and reduce lung cancer deaths.

Lung cancer is the nation's leading cancer killer, accounting for approximately 22% of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer screening is essential to saving lives. According to the American Lung Association’s “State of Lung Cancer” 2023 report, doctors diagnose only 26.6% of lung cancer cases at an early stage when the five-year survival rate is much higher (63%). Unfortunately, doctors diagnose 44% of lung cancer cases at a late stage when the survival rate is only 8%.1

The National Cancer Institute-sponsored National Lung Screening Trial showed that low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans can decrease the risk of dying from lung cancer in people with a history of heavy smoking. The National Lung Screening Trial used chest x-rays or LDCT scans to check for signs of lung cancer. The trial results revealed that screening with LDCT once a year for three years was better than chest x-rays at finding early-stage lung cancer and decreased the risk of dying from lung cancer in current and former heavy smokers.2

The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends annual LDCT screening for lung cancer in adults aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack/year smoking history and currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years.3 This recommendation covers a larger age range eligible to receive screening and includes more current and former smokers than previously recommended. It also dramatically increases the number of women and Black Americans who researchers consider as having an elevated risk for developing lung cancer.

The American Lung Association also recommends LDCT screening and reports that researchers have determined that other screening tests, including chest X-rays and sputum cytology, are not effective and not recommended for screening.4 Those eligible for lung cancer screening should talk with their doctor and engage in shared decision making, which includes a discussion of potential benefits, harms and unknowns related to lung cancer screening.

For screening to be most effective in reducing the overall lung cancer mortality rate, healthcare providers should screen more of the high-risk population. Nationally, only 16% of those with an elevated risk received screening in 2022. In Texas, doctors screened only 10% of high-risk individuals, ranking 46th among all states, placing it in the bottom tier.5 Low screening rates may be due to a lack of access or reduced awareness of screening recommendations among patients and providers. It is possible that actual screening rates may be somewhat higher than reported in states like Texas with large, regional managed care providers because policy makers eliminated the requirement for screening facilities to participate in the lung cancer screening registry in order to receive reimbursement from Medicare for screening scans.

National guidelines emphasize the importance of tobacco cessation and treatment for current smokers, as well as actively encouraging former smokers to continue not smoking. If a healthcare provider recommends lung cancer screening, the patient should also receive tobacco treatment counseling.


  1. American Lung Association. State of Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer Key Findings. Accessed August 12, 2024.

  2. National Cancer Institute. Lung Cancer Screening. NCI Lung Cancer Screening (PDQ). Accessed April 5, 2024.

  3. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Lung Cancer: Screening. U.S. Preventive Services Lung Cancer: Screening. Accessed April 5, 2024.

  4. The American Lung Association. Lung Cancer Screening Resources. ALA Lung Cancer Screening Resources. Accessed April 5, 2024.

  5. The American Lung Association. State of Lung Cancer. State Data: Texas. Accessed November 8, 2024.


  1. Increase lung cancer screening of adults according to national guidelines.
    • Percentage of those at high risk who have undergone lung cancer screening.
  2. Reduce the rate of lung cancer at late stage.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of lung cancer at late stage (per 100,000 population)
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate, lung cancer (per 100,000 population)
  3. Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black Women developing lung cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of lung cancer, Non-Hispanic Black Women (per 100,000 population)

Strategic Actions

  • Reduce out-of-pocket cost for screening services and tobacco cessation treatment.
  • Identify gaps and barriers related to lung cancer screening policies and advocate for addressing them.
  • Allocate resources for smoking cessation programs, targeting regions with high smoking rates, such as rural areas, and minority communities.

  • Work with families through parent-teacher organizations to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking and the importance of early screening for at-risk family members.
  • Implement lung cancer awareness and smoking prevention education programs at an early age, particularly in rural and underserved school districts.
  • Collaborate with local health organizations to offer educational workshops for parents and staff about lung cancer risks, smoking cessation, and the benefits of early screening.

  • Provide workplace smoking cessation programs, resources, and incentives, such as free counseling and nicotine replacement therapies.
  • Encourage employers to offer paid time off for employees to get lung cancer screenings, especially for employees in high-risk populations like smokers and those with a family history of the disease.

  • Encourage discussions within families about lung cancer risks, smoking cessation, and the importance of early screening, particularly for those with family members with an elevated risk for lung cancer.
  • Promote smoke-free homes to reduce secondhand smoke exposure and encourage family members to quit smoking.

  • Educate the public on the eligibility, risks, benefits and unknowns of lung cancer screening and that screening is not a substitute for tobacco treatment.
  • Implement community-based programs that increase access to high-quality lung cancer screening for eligible populations.
  • Partner with health systems and rural health clinics to provide free or low-cost LDCT screenings in underserved areas.

  • Ensure insurance providers cover LDCT lung cancer screening tests for high-risk populations without cost-sharing, particularly targeting the uninsured and underinsured.
  • Offer premium reductions or other incentives for policyholders who complete smoking cessation programs or undergo lung cancer screening.
  • Engage high-risk populations through outreach campaigns that inform policyholders about their eligibility for lung cancer screenings and cessation support.

  • Promote and train health care professionals on lung cancer screening utilizing a patient/healthcare professional shared decision-making model and the USPSTF recommendations.
  • Promote shared decision-making discussions between patients and healthcare professionals on the risks and benefits of receiving screening as well as patient preferences and values among those who meet the USPSTF lung cancer screening criteria.
  • Encourage clinics and hospitals to deliver high-quality lung cancer screening and patient centered care by following the USPSTF evidence-based recommendations, which include evidence-based tobacco treatment and access to multi-disciplinary follow up and care.
  • Engage clinician residency training programs to promote shared decision-making and evidence-based screening guidelines.
  • Ensure appropriate follow-up and care for men and women who receive abnormal lung cancer screening results.

Goal 11: Increase screening and early detection among Texans at an elevated risk for prostate cancer to increase the number of prostate cancers diagnosed at an early stage and reduce deaths from prostate cancer.

The incidence of prostate cancer continues to increase, with an estimated 299,010 projected cases in the United States in 2024.1 Among Texas men, health care providers diagnosed nearly 17,000 cases of prostate cancer in 2022.2 Prostate cancer affects Black men disproportionally; they have the highest prostate cancer incidence in the United States (183.4 new cases per 100,000)3,4,5 and, compared with White men, are more likely to develop prostate cancer at almost every stage of the disease continuum and in every age group.3,6 Black men are more likely to present with prostate cancer at a younger age and are more than two times more likely to die from prostate cancer compared to White men.7,8

Prostate cancer screening tests include the digital rectal exam, the prostate-specific antigen PSA test, and the prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3) RNA test. A health care provider may use the PCA3 test if the patient has a high PSA level following a negative biopsy of the prostate.9 A high PSA level does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer. Many factors, such as advanced age, an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and certain medications, may contribute to higher PSA levels. Other factors such as herbal mixtures, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, and long-term use of certain medicines, such as aspirin, statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs), and thiazide diuretics (such as hydrochlorothiazide) might lower PSA levels.10 Men who are considering prostate cancer screening should talk to their healthcare provider about anything that might affect their PSA level, as it might affect the accuracy of the test result.

Men with an average risk of prostate cancer should discuss the possible benefits, risks, and uncertainties of periodic prostate screening with their healthcare provider at age 50. For men at an elevated risk of developing prostate cancer, the discussion and screening should begin at age 45. Those with a higher risk of prostate cancer include Black men and men who have a father or brother diagnosed with prostate cancer before they were 65. Men with more than one first-degree relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age should receive screening beginning at age 40.11

In 2024 the United States Preventive Services Task Force is examining factors associated with differences in uptake of prostate cancer screening and disparities in utilization, as well as factors associated with differences in treatments used for screen-detected or early-stage prostate cancer.12


  1. American Cancer Society. Cancer Statistics Center. Cancer Statistics Center - American Cancer Society. Accessed November 9, 2024.

  2. Texas Cancer Registry Annual Report 2022. Texas Cancer Registry AR

  3. Rebbeck TR. Prostate Cancer Disparities by Race and Ethnicity: From Nucleotide to Neighborhood. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2018;8(9):a030387. Published 2018 Sep 4. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a030387

  4. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Fuchs H, Jemal A. Cancer Statistics, 2021. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021: 71: 7-33. https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21654

  5. National Cancer Institute, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Cancer Stat Facts: Prostate Cancer.

  6. Chowdhury-Paulino IM, Ericsson C, Vince R Jr, Spratt DE, George DJ, Mucci LA Racial disparities in prostate cancer among Black men: epidemiology and outcomes Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis Published online September 2, 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41391-41021-00451-z

  7. American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans 2019–2021. American Cancer Society; 2019. Cancer facts and figures for african americans 2019-2021.pdf. Accessed February 15, 2021

  8. Moses KA, Sprenkle PC, Bahler C, et al. NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Prostate Cancer Early Detection, Version 1.2023. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2023;21(3):236-246. doi:10.6004/jnccn.2023.0014

  9. National Cancer Institute. Prostate Cancer Screening. NCI Prostate Cancer Screening. Accessed April 5, 2024.

  10. American Cancer Society. Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer. ACS Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer. Accessed April 5, 2024.

  11. American Cancer Society. Recommendations for Prostate Cancer Early Detection. ACS Recommendations for Prostate Cancer. Accessed April 5, 2024.

  12. U.S. Preventative Services Task Force. Prostate Cancer: Screening. USPSTF Prostate Cancer. Accessed September 24, 2024.


  1. Increase prostate cancer screening of adult males.
    • Percentage of male adults, 55-69 years old, who had a PSA test within past two years.
  2. Reduce rate of invasive Prostate Cancer
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of prostate cancer (per 100,000 population)
  3. Reduce the rate of Non-Hispanic Black Men developing and dying from prostate cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of prostate cancer, Non-Hispanic Black Men (per 100,000 population)
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate of prostate cancer, Non-Hispanic Black Men (per 100,000 population)

Strategic Actions

  • Implement state policies that support free or low-cost prostate cancer screening services, particularly for uninsured and underserved populations.
  • Fund and support mobile health units to offer prostate cancer screenings in rural and remote areas with limited access to healthcare.

  • Partner with local health departments and organizations to offer free health fairs where prostate cancer education and screening information is available to the community.
  • Educate families about prostate cancer risks, prevention, and the importance of early detection; work with parent-teacher organizations to create outreach initiatives that bring health education into households.

  • Conduct workplace seminars on prostate cancer risk factors, early detection, and the importance of screening, with a focus on breaking down stigmas around the issue.
  • Provide on-site prostate cancer screening services or partner with local healthcare providers to offer screenings for male employees, especially those at higher risk.

  • Encourage families to openly discuss prostate cancer risks, particularly with older male family members, and the importance of screening.
  • Advocate for routine healthcare visits within families, especially in rural and underserved areas with limited healthcare access.

  • Partner with local organizations and faith-based groups to provide prostate cancer education, focusing on Black men, rural communities, and uninsured populations.
  • Organize community health fairs and screenings in collaboration with local healthcare providers, ensuring access for populations with the greatest disparities.
  • Develop prostate cancer support groups to raise awareness, encourage screening, and provide emotional support to men at risk or diagnosed with the disease, particularly in minority and rural communities.

  • Ensure insurance providers cover prostate cancer screening without cost-sharing for high-risk individuals, particularly those without comprehensive insurance plans.
  • Develop health plans that incentivize prostate cancer prevention behaviors, which can reduce the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

  • Implement patient navigation programs to assist high-risk and underserved populations in accessing prostate cancer screenings, diagnosis, and follow-up care.
  • Use hospital data to identify high-risk populations and create targeted outreach programs to encourage prostate cancer screenings for uninsured and minority patients.
  • Train healthcare providers in delivering culturally appropriate care and counseling, particularly for Black men and other minority groups, who may be less likely to seek screenings.

Goal 12: Increase screening and treatment for Texans at risk for Hepatitis B and C infections to reduce new cases and deaths from liver cancer.

Liver cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. The most common type of liver cancer in adults is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which typically develops in people with chronic liver disease caused by hepatitis virus infection or cirrhosis. Men are more likely to develop HCC than women.1 According to the National Cancer Institute State Cancer Profiles, Texas has an age-adjusted incidence rate for liver and bile duct cancer of 12.1 per 100,000 people versus a national rate of 8.6 per 100,000.2

The most common risk factor for liver cancer is chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV).3 According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2020, 640,000 adults living in the United States had chronic HBV, and an estimated 2.2 million adults had HCV.4 Texas has the highest rates of HCV, with an estimated 500,000 Texans currently infected with HCV.5 Some people have a chronic HBV or HCV infection without even knowing it.

There is an effective vaccine available for HBV. The CDC recommends universal HBV vaccination within 24 hours of birth followed by completion of the vaccine series, and for those adults aged 19–59 years not already vaccinated, including those with risk factors for HBV and those seeking protection.6 According to the CDC, healthcare providers should test all people 18 years of age or older for HBV and HCV at least once during their lifetime, as well as women in early pregnancy, infants born to pregnant people with HBV infection, and anyone with ongoing risk for exposure.7 Medicines are available currently to treat chronic HBV. Although these drugs do not cure HBV, they lower the risk of cirrhosis, which may also lower the risk of liver cancer.3

Although there is no vaccination for HCV, medications to treat chronic HCV infection can eliminate the virus in many people, which may in turn lower their risk of liver cancer. Treatments usually involve 8–12 weeks of oral therapy and cure over 90% of HCV infections with few side effects.8

As of 2024, people who are at average risk of liver cancer do not have a widely recommended liver cancer screening test, but testing might be recommended for some people at higher risk. For people at higher risk of liver cancer due to cirrhosis, hereditary hemochromatosis, or chronic HBV infection, some experts recommend screening for liver cancer with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood tests and ultrasound exams every six months. Researchers have linked screenings with AFP and ultrasounds to improved survival from liver cancer in some studies.9


  1. National Cancer Institute. Liver and Bile Duct Cancer. NCI Liver Cancer Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  2. National Cancer Institute. State Cancer profiles. NCI State Cancer Profiles. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  3. American Cancer Society. About Liver Cancer. ASC Can Liver Cancer be Prevented? Accessed April 8, 2024.

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What is Viral Hepatitis. CDC Viral Hepatitis Basics. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  5. Texas Medical Association Publications. “Texas Medicaid to Loosen Access to Hepatitis C Treatment.” August 21, 2022. TMA Texas Medicaid to Loosen Access to Hepatitis C Treatment. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis B. CDC Hepatitis B Vaccine. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis B Information: Vaccination. CDC Clinical Testing and Diagnosis for Hepatitis B. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hepatitis C. CDC Hepatitis C Basics. Accessed April 8, 2024.

  9. American Cancer Society. Tests for Liver Cancer. ACS Tests For Liver Cancer. Accessed April 8, 2024.


  1. Reduce rate of invasive Liver Cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of liver cancer (per 100,000 population).
  2. Reduce the rate of Hispanic Men developing and dying from Liver cancer.
    • Age-adjusted incidence rate of liver cancer, Hispanic Men (per 100,000 population)
    • Age-adjusted mortality rate of liver cancer, Hispanic Men (per 100,000 population)

Strategic Actions

  • Promote and Implement policies that increase access to Hepatitis B and C prevention, testing, treatment, and care services.
  • Support funding for liver cancer prevention and screening programs, especially in rural areas and among populations facing the greatest disparities.

  • Collaborate with local health departments to host educational events and screenings for hepatitis B and C in schools, targeting rural and underserved areas.

  • Include education on liver cancer risk factors such as alcohol consumption and obesity in employee wellness programs. Offer support for behavioral changes like alcohol cessation and healthy eating habits.
  • Offer liver cancer screening and hepatitis B vaccination programs for employees, particularly targeting industries with higher-risk populations, such as agriculture or construction where rural or minority workers are overrepresented.
  • Provide incentives for employees to receive hepatitis B and C screenings, which can increase early detection of liver cancer, particularly for those in underserved populations.

  • Encourage families to ensure that all members, especially children, receive vaccinations for hepatitis B, which reduces liver cancer risk.
  • Encourage healthy dietary habits and regular exercise, and limit alcohol consumption to reduce liver cancer risk within the household, particularly in communities with higher incidences of these risk factors.

  • Educate the public that all individuals born between 1945 and 1965 should have a one-time screening test for Hepatitis C and encourage them to talk with their doctor.
  • Organize free liver cancer screening events in collaboration with local health departments and hospitals, targeting underserved areas and populations with high liver cancer disparities.

  • Develop outreach campaigns to promote liver cancer screening among policyholders.
  • Offer health risk assessments that screen for risk factors like alcohol use, obesity, and viral hepatitis, and provide follow-up support for individuals at risk for liver cancer.

  • Improve health professional knowledge, practice behaviors, and system support related to increasing screening for Hepatitis B and C.
  • Educate the public on the link between Hepatitis B and C and liver cancer and the burden of liver cancer in Texas.
  • Implement evidence-based programs for Hepatitis B and C screening, treatment, and cancer surveillance.
  • Ensure appropriate follow-up and care for men and women who receive abnormal Hepatitis B or C screening results.
  • Increase availability and utilization of electronic medical records and implementation of clinical system changes to increase utilization of evidence-based Hepatitis B and C screening.
  • Expand telehealth options for liver cancer screenings and follow-up care, particularly in rural areas with limited healthcare access.

Diagnosis and Treatment


Timely and appropriate care following a cancer screening test that indicates atypical results is an essential component of the cancer prevention and treatment continuum. It ensures that patients receive counseling about the screening test results and, if needed, referral for further diagnostic testing and appropriate treatment.

Although cancer diagnostics are related to cancer screenings, they serve a different purpose in the detection and management of cancer. Diagnostics, such as biopsies, imaging scans (e.g. MRI, CT scans, PET scans), and blood tests, confirm the presence, type, and stage of cancer after a screening test has indicated potential abnormalities or when symptoms are present. Quality cancer diagnostic results guide treatment decisions and benefit all areas of patient care planning, including staging, treatment, palliation, rehabilitation, and surveillance for late effects and recurrent disease.

An accurate diagnosis also informs whether a patient or family member may benefit from genetic testing and counseling, screening, or follow-up services. Genetic testing identifies certain inherited mutations, or changes, in a person’s genes that may put them at higher risk of developing certain kinds of cancer. Inherited genetic changes are responsible for 5%–10% of all cancers. Healthcare providers may recommend genetic testing for a person with a strong family history of certain types of cancer, a person already diagnosed with cancer, or for family members of a person known to have an inherited gene mutation that increases their risk of cancer.

Healthcare policy makers generally recommend genetic counseling before the patient undergoes genetic testing.1 Genetic counselors, as well as trained providers, work with the patients to help the patient decide whether to pursue genetic testing. They will discuss the patient’s inherited cancer risk, and recommendations for risk-reduction strategies and enhanced screening approaches. The genetic counselor may also provide referrals to support groups and other information resources, as well as emotional support for the person receiving the results.

Increasing the use of proven approaches like genetic testing, especially in medically underserved populations, could significantly reduce cancer incidence and death from cancer. Cost is a significant barrier. However, as genomic technology improves and the cost of genetic testing declines, health care professionals can order these tests more easily.2

Cancer may change or grow differently in individuals and various cancer subtypes show similarly atypical responses. While some people with cancer may have a single treatment option available, most cancer patients require a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Some cancer therapies may work initially but then stop working when cancer cells become resistant to the treatment.

Appropriate cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer and how advanced its stage. Cancer staging, based primarily on how far the disease has progressed and spread within the body, signifies the seriousness of the individual’s cancer and associated chances for survival. Healthcare providers rely on cancer staging to develop an appropriate treatment plan, including identifying clinical trials that may be treatment options. The earlier the stage of diagnosis increases the likelihood of survival. Cancers diagnosed at a later stage typically have a worse prognosis. Downward trends in the proportion of late cancer diagnoses are a sign that screening is working for cancers with available early detection methods.3

Precision medicine is an overarching approach that involves understanding the genetic mutations driving the cancer and molecular biology of the tumor. It allows the healthcare provider to select treatments that are most likely to work and can help identify whether the cancer will be drug resistant. Precision medicine options include targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy and biomarker testing.4

  • Targeted therapy, the foundation of precision medicine, is a category of cancer treatment that targets proteins that control how cancer cells grow, divide, and spread. As researchers learn more about the DNA changes and proteins that drive cancer, they are more equipped to develop treatments that target these proteins.5 These targeted therapies are less likely to become drug-resistant and more effective at destroying cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses the individual’s immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells.6 Researchers can tailor the immune response to the tumor’s genetic makeup or immune system.
  • Hormone therapy is a treatment that works by blocking the body’s ability to produce hormones or interfering with how hormones behave in the body. Patients typically receive hormone therapy along with other cancer treatments.7
  • Biomarker testing assesses the individual cancer for targets that could help detect which treatment will work for the patient. Some cancers may need to be biopsied for biomarker testing.

Patient navigation services eliminate barriers and promote access to timely diagnosis and treatment of cancer. These services guide patients through healthcare systems from screening through all phases of cancer treatment. Patient navigation addresses obstacles to care and treatment, such as financial or structural challenges, barriers to communication or access to information, and those related to patients’ mistrust of the healthcare system or fear of possible cancer diagnoses. Patient navigation services may improve health and reduce cancer-related disparities for historically disadvantaged populations by ensuring more people have timely and appropriate follow-up care and treatment.8

Increasing opportunities for appropriate cancer diagnosis and treatment for everyone requires a vibrant, diverse, cancer workforce that reflects the communities it serves. Developing and implementing cancer workforce training aligns with the National Cancers Plan’s goal to optimize the workforce by ensuring the cancer care workforce represents the population and meets the needs of all people with cancer and those at risk for cancer. Developing initiatives to address gaps and increase the number of and training for cancer providers and researchers from underrepresented and underserved backgrounds will lead to a robust workforce delivering of high-quality cancer care.9

Goal 13

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Promote efforts aimed at increasing the optimal care of cancer patients. Number of CoC accredited facilities 73 (American College of Surgeons [ACOS], 2018) 81 (ACOS, 2018) 89 Δ 10% NA
Promote timely access to and utilization of care for individuals who are under-insured or uninsured, or do not qualify for financial assistance programs. Data not available to determine a baseline and target          


  1. American Cancer Society. Understanding Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk. What is genetic testing? Accessed October 16, 2024.
  2. National Cancer Institute. Genetic Testing for Inherited Cancer Risk. What is genetic testing for inherited cancer risk? Accessed October 16, 2024.
  3. National Cancer Institute. Online Summary of Trends in U.S. Cancer Control Measures. NCI Diagnosis. Accessed August 24, 2024.
  4. National Cancer Institute. About Cancer. NCI Cancer Treatment. Accessed April 16, 2024.
  5. National Cancer Institute. Cancer Treatment. Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer. NCI Targeted Therapy. Accessed April 16, 2024.
  6. National Cancer Institute. Cancer Treatment. Immunotherapy to Treat Cancer. NCI Immunotherapy. Accessed April 16, 2024.
  7. National Cancer Institute. Cancer Treatment. Hormone Therapy to Treat Cancer. NCI Hormone Therapy. Accessed April 16, 2024.
  8. The Community Guide. TFFRS – Cancer Screening: Patient Navigation Services to Increase Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screenings and Advance Health Equity. TFFRS – Cancer Screening. Accessed August 25, 2024.
  9. National Cancer Plan. Goals: Optimize the Workforce - National Cancer Plan. Optimize the Workforce. Accessed September 10, 2024.

Goal 13: Increase timely access to quality cancer diagnostic and treatment for all Texans.


  1. Promote efforts aimed at increasing the optimal care of cancer patients.
    • Number of Commission on Cancer accredited facilities in Texas
  2. Promote timely access to and utilization of care for individuals who are under-insured or uninsured, or do not qualify for financial assistance programs.

Strategic Actions

  • Identify and promote policy changes that increase and improve delivery of care and reduce structural and financial barriers.
  • Advocate for value-based care models that prioritize timely diagnostics and treatment for cancer.
  • Implement state-funded transportation assistance programs for rural patients to access specialized care.
  • Advocate for comprehensive health coverage programs to increase access for uninsured and underinsured populations.

  • Host community health events that connect families with local health professionals to discuss cancer risks and screenings.

  • Provide paid leave policies for cancer diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up care to reduce barriers to timely access.
  • Engage in partnerships with health organizations to offer on-site or local access to cancer screening services.
  • Create workplace wellness programs focused on cancer prevention, early detection, and access to medical care.

  • Utilize telehealth for families in rural or underserved areas to connect with oncologists and specialists.
  • Know your family health history, including any family history of cancer.
  • Utilize patient navigation services to guide family members through complex health systems and treatment pathways.

  • Promote awareness, education, and advocacy efforts aimed at increasing the number of patients who receive high quality care.
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate public and health professional education and advocacy plans to support adoption and practice of existing standards of quality care for all patients.
  • Provide patient navigation services to help residents understand and access cancer diagnostic and treatment resources.

  • Expand coverage for diagnostic services and telemedicine to reach rural populations and those without nearby medical facilities.
  • Incentivize providers for early diagnosis and adherence to evidence-based cancer treatment protocols.
  • Develop navigation programs to help patients, particularly those with language barriers or low health literacy, understand coverage for cancer diagnostics and treatment.
  • Collect cancer family history from patients and provide referrals to genetic counseling.

  • Implement evidence-based systems changes to increase and improve delivery of care and reduce structural and financial barriers.
  • Promote opportunities to retain/increase the number of healthcare professionals in underserved areas.
  • Increase shared decision making between healthcare professionals and patients related to professional treatment guidelines.
  • Increase health professionals’ awareness of evidence-based guidelines for family history collection and assessment, genetic counseling, and genetic testing for cancers linked to hereditary predispositions.
  • Increase standardized training for and utilization of patient navigators and community health workers in both clinic and community settings across the continuum of cancer care.
  • Improve coordination of care across specialists to reduce delays in cancer treatment.
  • Establish partnerships with community health centers to increase access to diagnostic and treatment facilities.
  • Support an increase in the number of hospitals and treatment facilities with the Commission on Cancer accreditation in underserved areas of Texas.

Survivorship and Supportive Palliative Care


Due to advances in early detection and treatment, cancer survivors are living longer after diagnosis than ever before. Researchers estimate that 143,349 Texans will receive a new cancer diagnosis (69,583 in women and 73,766 in men) in 2024.1 As the number of people living years past their initial cancer diagnosis continues to grow, so does the need for access to evidence-based survivorship programs and services.

Survivorship care is multifaceted and includes the prevention and detection of recurring and new cancers, monitoring and alleviating symptoms related to cancer and its treatment, and management of chronic conditions. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other Health and Human Services Agencies announced the “National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care” in 2024, which are available on the NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship website.2 These recommendations help healthcare systems evaluate the quality of their current survivorship services and shape effective care for cancer survivors moving forward.

A survivor care plan is a critical component in providing survivors with the information needed to confront the physical, psychological, and socioeconomic issues that may arise during and after treatment. Several types of care plans exist, but common elements include information about a patient’s:

  • healthcare team
  • medical history
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • check-ups and other necessary follow-up care
  • potential long-term late effects of cancer treatments
  • suggestions for healthy living resources

Having this information in one place informs and prepares survivors and their care teams for issues that may arise during and after treatment. The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Cancer Treatment and Survivorship Plans are helpful tools to record cancer treatments and the patient’s follow-up care plan.3

Supportive palliative care (SPC) addresses the emotional, physical, practical, and spiritual aspects of a patient’s life. Family members may also receive supportive palliative care. The goal of supportive palliative care is not to cure disease, but to relieve suffering and improve the patient’s quality of life. Supportive palliative care is appropriate at any age or stage of serious illness, along with disease modifying prescriptions.

Rising health care costs and loss of income due to cancer can contribute to financial distress for the patient and their family. Alleviating financial concerns for these individuals will improve patient outcomes during treatment and into survivorship. The Patient Advocate Foundation4 and the American Cancer Society5 provide support and assistance in navigating resources for cancer survivors.

By highlighting these key issues for individuals in treatment and survivorship, Texans can help meet the growing needs of those living with and living beyond cancer. Promoting awareness and access to diverse support services—such as care navigation, continuous care coordination, genetic counseling, and telehealth or outreach programs—offers crucial assistance. From expanding access to education, training, and research, to driving health system and policy change, Texas has many opportunities to enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors and their caregivers.

Goal 14

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate  % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the five-year survival rate of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. 5-year relative survival, children (ages 0-14y) NA 86.3% (TCR, 2021) 90.0% Δ 4% 85.5% (NCCR, 2014-2020)
5-year relative survival, adolescents (ages 15-19y) NA 86% (TCR, 2021) 90.0% Δ 5% 88.1% (NCCR, 2014-2020)
Decrease the number of young Texans (0-19) who die from cancer. Number of young Texans ages 0-14y who died of cancer (2021) NA 108 (TCR, 2021) 86 Δ 20% NA
Number of young Texans ages 15-19y who died of cancer (2021) NA 70 (TCR, 2021) 60 Δ 14% NA
Increase access to support programs/resources to assist the patient and family throughout the childhood cancer journey. Data not available to determine a baseline and target          

Goal 15

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Promote quality follow-up care and post-treatment support programs for cancer survivors. Percentage of people living five years or longer after diagnosis 67% (TCR, 2018) 68.7% (TCR, 2021) 75.0% Δ 9% 71.7% (SEER, 2021)
Increase the % of cancer survivors with a written summary of treatment and care plan. Percentage of cancer survivors, ages 18+ years, who received a written summary of their cancer treatments. Data not available to determine a baseline and target        
Percentage of cancer survivors, ages 18+ years, who received a care plan Data not available to determine a baseline and target        

Goal 16

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Promote timely and appropriate referral to palliative care programs in Texas hospitals. Grade for prevalence and distribution of palliative care programs in Texas hospitals Grade of C (Center to Advance Palliative Care, 2015) E (CAPC, 2024) A   NA
Increase provider use and knowledge of supportive palliation care practices and guidelines. Number of Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center (HPCC) certificates for advanced certified hospice and palliative nurses (ACHPNs) in Texas NA 116 (Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association, 2022) 128 Δ 10% NA
Increase the % of hospitals in majority rural Public Health Regions (PHR) that offer palliative care services. % of hospitals with a PC Program in PHR 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 11 NA 39% (American Hospital Association (AHA), 2020) 50% Δ 28% NA


  1. Cancer Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch, Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Cancer Registry. Cancer Statistics. Cancer in Texas 2023. DSHS Cancer Statistics. Accessed April 16, 2024.

  2. National Cancer Center/Office of Cancer Survivorship/National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care. NCC National Standards for Cancer Survivorship. Accessed April 30, 2024.

  3. American Cancer Society. Survivorship: During and After Treatment. ASCO Survivorship Plan. Accessed April 19, 2024.

  4. Patient Advocate Foundation. National Financial Resource Directory. National Finance Resource Directory Accessed April 19, 2024.

  5. American Cancer Society. Financial and Insurance Matters. Managing Your Health Insurance and Medical Bills. ACS Programs and Resources to Help With Cancer-related Expenses. Accessed April 19, 2024.

Goal 14: Increase survivorship for all child and adolescent cancers, as well as the long-term follow-up care for childhood survivors.

Childhood cancer is the most common cause of death by disease for children in the United States and Texas. Approximately 15,780 children, from birth to 19 years old receive a diagnosis of cancer each year in the United States.1 Experts estimate that 129 Texas children (ages 0-14) and 67 adolescents (ages 15-19) will die of cancer in 2024.2

Like adult cancer survivors, the population of childhood cancer survivors has increased. Experts estimate that there are 270,000 survivors of childhood cancer in the U.S. in 2024. This equates to one in 640 young adults between the ages of 20 to 30 who are survivors of childhood malignancy.1 In 2021, there were 27,582 survivors of childhood cancer in Texas.2

Childhood cancer differs from adult cancers by type and duration of treatment. The average adult with cancer undergoes treatment for six months to a year, but children undergo treatment for six months to three years depending on the diagnosis and type of treatment.1 In addition, two-thirds of childhood cancer survivors face at least one chronic health condition related to their cancer or treatment. One quarter of survivors face a late effect from treatment classified as severe or life-threatening, including heart damage, second cancers, lung damage, infertility, cognitive impairment, growth deficits, and hearing loss.3

Children and adolescents with cancer and their caregivers have unique needs from diagnosis through the entire continuum of care, including survivorship, long-term effects of treatment, and end-of-life care. Childhood cancer survivors have specific life-long problems associated with this disease including employability, insurability, and educational and physical complications associated with treatment. While Texas focuses primarily on curing the cancer and preventing or reducing the late effects of treatment, the need remains to also address psychosocial and emotional demands impacting the long-term effects of cancer and cancer treatments for the child and family.3

According to the Children's Oncology Group guidelines, long-term follow-up and screening are imperative for early detection and mitigation of treatment-related late effects. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other Health and Human Services Agencies developed and released the “National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care” in 2024. These standards include distribution of a survivorship care plan (SCP) detailing estimates of late effects risk and recommended surveillance. Survivorship care plans improve long term adherence to follow-up surveillance by providing information and easing the transitions from cancer treatment to survivorship, and from pediatric care to adult care. However, few survivors and primary care physicians have a survivorship care plan. Increasing awareness of survivorship care plans may enhance their impact, but further research and resources are necessary to develop programs that effectively increase adherence.4

Multiple individual and systematic barriers to accessing survivorship services persist. Uninsured childhood cancer survivors face the highest risk for forgoing follow-up screening. Among those with private insurance, Blacks have the highest risk for not attending to recommended screenings, followed by non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics. These disparities are not evident in survivors with public insurance.

Steps for maintaining survival for children and adolescent and young adult populations include consuming a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising regularly to curtail obesity. Adolescent and young adult populations should also abstain from smoking cigarettes and tobacco use, and limit alcohol consumption. Children, adolescents, and young adults who receive a cancer diagnosis may have difficulty adhering to a healthy diet and an exercise regimen. However, for continued growth and development, doctors recommend that these patients should prioritize healthy lifestyle goals.


  1. American Childhood Cancer Organization. US Childhood Cancer Statistics. US Childhood Cancer Statistics. Accessed April 30, 2024.

  2. Cancer Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch, Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Cancer Registry. Cancer Statistics. Cancer in Texas 2024. DSHS Cancer Statistics. Accessed April 30, 2024.

  3. American Childhood Cancer Organization. State Cancer Plan Recommended Childhood Cancer Language. American Childhood Cancer Organization. Accessed October 23, 2024.

  4. Yan AP, Chen Y, Henderson TO, et al. Adherence to Surveillance for Second Malignant Neoplasms and Cardiac Dysfunction in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(15):1711-1722. doi:10.1200/JCO.19.01825 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7357338/


  1. Increase the five-year survival rate of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer.
  2. Decrease the number of young Texans (0-19) who die from cancer.
  3. Increase access to support programs/resources to assist the patient and family throughout the childhood cancer journey.

Strategic Actions

  • Support state-specific data collected on secondary cancers (childhood survivors who develop secondary cancers).
  • Increase funding and support for pediatric oncology centers and telemedicine infrastructure in rural areas to improve access to specialized cancer care.
  • Require insurers to cover pediatric cancer care and survivorship benefits, including long-term follow-up services.

  • Provide school-based counseling and health services to support children returning to school post-treatment.
  • Implement awareness programs that educate students and staff on the challenges faced by cancer survivors and encourage supportive environments.
  • Train school counselors and nurses to monitor cancer survivors’ mental health, physical limitations, and other survivorship needs.

  • Provide bereavement support that continues to support the family even after the death of their child.
  • Provide programs to manage the stress of childhood cancer including financial, education, and employment for the family.
  • Offer flexible work schedules, remote work options, and extended family leave to parents and caregivers of children undergoing cancer treatment.

  • Educate your families on early signs of cancer in children and emphasize the importance of preventive care, especially for high-risk groups.
  • Promote family education on managing side effects of treatment, accessing support resources, and connecting with survivor support groups.

  • Assist with the development of patient/family friendly explanations of clinical trials, informed consent, and referral patterns.
  • Establish assistance programs that support families with travel, lodging, and treatment-related costs, especially for families from rural or low-income backgrounds.
  • Engage in advocacy for policies that increase funding for childhood cancer research and survivorship programs.

  • Include coverage for comprehensive pediatric treatment centers as opposed to community hospitals for all children and adolescents.
  • Include access to affordable and comprehensive coverage including experimental therapies recommended by the treating oncologist.
  • Include access to insurance despite pre-existing diagnosis for long-term follow-up care.
  • Include coverage for all services (pain/palliative/psychosocial), and coverage should include appropriate services for family and siblings.

  • Follow recommendations/standards for follow-up care (e.g., Children’s Oncology Group/COG Guidelines), including baselines for neuro-cognitive status and follow-up screening.
  • Make all phases of clinical trials more available to patients.
  • Support funding for pediatric cancer research.
  • Create dedicated survivorship clinics offering follow-up care, monitoring, and supportive services for childhood cancer survivors.
  • Implement outreach programs to minority and rural populations based on identified needs, such as screening reminders and follow-up care services.

Goal 15: Promote overall health and well-being of people affected by cancer.

Cancer survivors often face physical, psychosocial, and financial challenges throughout their survivorship journey. Overall, health-related quality of life is lower among cancer survivors compared to those without cancer. Cancer survivors with the lowest health-related quality of life are more likely to be unemployed, lack social support, and are less prepared for survivorship. In addition, they have poor dietary habits, more comorbidities, and more concern about the risk of cancer recurrence or secondary cancers.1

A primary concern for cancer survivors is the fear of cancer recurrence or diagnosis of a new cancer. Rates of cancer recurrence or diagnosis of new cancers are dependent on many factors, including type and stage of cancer, the type of treatment received, and physical and socioeconomic factors.2 Cancer survivors often experience feelings of isolation and a lack of understanding by peers who have not faced a cancer diagnosis. They may also face challenges in returning to work, concerns about the quality of care, and a potential lack of coping strategies.3

Survivors can experience a wide range of short- and long-term challenges caused by cancer or its treatments. Short-term effects include hair loss, pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of smell and appetite. The severity of symptoms depends on the person, cancer type, and treatment. As cancer survivors live longer after diagnosis, the development of long-term side effects such as heart damage (cardiotoxicity), lung damage, loss of bone density, and cognitive decline is becoming more common and demands a greater understanding to reduce or manage these conditions. Cancer survivors also experience higher functional limitations, such as the inability to sit for extended periods of time or participate in social activities. The proportion of survivors who experience these limitations has doubled over the past two decades.4

Those affected by cancer are not immune to nutritional challenges. As many as 80% of people with cancer experience malnutrition, a condition caused by not getting the right balance of nutrients. While nutritional screening and interventions may be valuable, they are not standard outpatient cancer care in the U.S. The lack of national clinical guidelines to prevent or treat cancer-associated malnutrition before or during cancer treatment highlights the need for more study. Researchers need more evidence to clarify which nutritional interventions are effective for specific patients, types of cancer, treatment settings, and treatment stages.5

Healthy behaviors, such as physical activity, a healthy diet, reduced alcohol consumption, and smoking cessation, can significantly improve both health outcomes and health-related quality of life for cancer survivors. Adopting healthy behaviors after a diagnosis of cancer, but prior to cancer treatment, can significantly improve outcomes for patients.6

Cancer survivors require appropriate care to address their many needs, including transitioning from active treatment, coordinating follow-up appointments, addressing financial needs, and gaining access to other survivorship resources. Coordinating cancer care is most effective when a designated individual or a team of people helps a cancer patient or survivor to gain access to the resources they need. Coordination approaches can lead to improvements among most survivors across multiple domains of cancer care, including screening, patient experience, and quality of end-of-life care.7


  1. Manne, S., Devine, K., Hudson, S. et al. Factors associated with health-related quality of life in a cohort of cancer survivors in New Jersey. BMC Cancer 23, 664 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-023-11098-5 https://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12885-023-11098-5

  2. Crist JV, Grunfeld EA. Factors reported to influence fear of recurrence in cancer patients: a systematic review. Psychooncology. 2013;22(5):978-986. doi:10.1002/pon.3114 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22674873/

  3. R K, L S, P B, S G, R LP. Psychosocial experiences of breast cancer survivors: a meta-review. J Cancer Surviv. 2024;18(1):84-123. doi:10.1007/s11764-023-01336-x https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36854799/

  4. Patel VR, Hussaini SMQ, Blaes AH, et al. Trends in the Prevalence of Functional Limitations Among US Cancer Survivors, 1999-2018. JAMA Oncol. 2023;9(7):1001–1003. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.1180 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/fullarticle/2804895

  5. National Institutes of Health. Pathways to Prevention (P2P) Program. Nutrition as Prevention for Improved Cancer Health Outcomes. Accessed July 15, 2024.

  6. Giles C, Cummins S. Prehabilitation before cancer treatment. BMJ. 2019;366:l5120. Published 2019 Aug 14. doi:10.1136/bmj.l5120 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31413000/

  7. Gorin SS, Haggstrom D, Han PKJ, Fairfield KM, Krebs P, Clauser SB. Cancer Care Coordination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Over 30 Years of Empirical Studies. Ann Behav Med. 2017;51(4):532-546. doi:10.1007/s12160-017-9876-2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28685390/


  1. Promote quality follow-up care and post-treatment support programs for cancer survivors.
    • Percentage of people living five years or longer after diagnosis.
  2. Increase the percentage of cancer survivors with a written summary of treatment and care plan.
    • Percentage of cancer survivors, ages 18+ years, who received a written summary of their cancer treatments.
    • Percentage of cancer survivors, ages 18+ years, who received a care plan.

Strategic Actions

  • Advocate for policies and funding for implementation of evidence-based survivorship programs shown to improve quality of life.
  • Partner with cancer advocacy organizations to support policies aimed at improving Texas cancer patients’ quality of life from diagnosis onward.
  • Promote policy changes that will support reimbursement for advanced care planning conversations and concurrent use of hospice care during active treatment.
  • Advocate for policies that require mental health, palliative care, and supportive services as part of standard cancer treatment coverage, including for the uninsured.
  • Promote policy changes that will support reimbursement for advanced care planning conversations and concurrent use of hospice care during active treatment.

  • Develop programs for high schools in rural and minority-majority areas to educate students about cancer risks and healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Create support systems for students affected by cancer, such as counseling and academic accommodations.
  • Host workshops for parents to educate them on cancer prevention, screening, and healthy behaviors, tailored to the needs of rural and underserved communities.

  • Provide mental health resources, access to support groups, and insurance coverage options for cancer-related treatments and follow-up care, particularly for employers in rural and underserved regions.
  • Implement initiatives to employees such as targeted health education and culturally sensitive wellness resources.

  • Advocate for healthy habits within the household, including nutritious diets, regular exercise, and tobacco cessation, especially in areas with higher prevalence of cancer risk factors.
  • Encourage family involvement in survivorship care, making sure that caregivers know how to manage follow-up appointments and look for early signs of recurrence.

  • Offer support groups, mental health services, and survivorship programs in both urban and rural settings, focusing on access for low-income and uninsured populations.
  • Engage in advocacy efforts focused on reducing cancer-related disparities, partnering with policy makers to address barriers faced by minority and rural populations.
  • Increase knowledge of survivorship issues for the general public, cancer survivors, health care professionals, and policy makers.

  • Include coverage for mental health services, palliative care, and long-term survivorship needs, even for those on high-deductible or limited plans.
  • Implement processes to reduce administrative burdens for patients, particularly uninsured individuals who need help understanding their coverage options.
  • Educate members on their cancer care benefits and how to access essential services, with additional support for rural and minority communities.

  • Promote use of standards for delivery of survivor services developed by national organizations (e.g., National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Center to Advance Palliative Care, American College of Surgeons).
  • Increase availability of telemedicine/telehealth services and infrastructure.
  • Offer tobacco treatment at all points of care, but especially during teachable moments such as immediately after diagnosis.
  • Build existing treatment summary and survivorship care plan templates into systems of care and electronic medical records.
  • Promote hospice and palliative care certification and credentialing.
  • Develop and enhance patient-centered navigation systems and pathways based on best practices to ensure optimum care across the continuum of cancer survivorship.
  • Encourage healthcare professionals to provide and discuss survivorship care plans with all cancer patients.

Goal 16: Increase timely access to quality supportive palliative care early and throughout life.

Supportive palliative care is not end-of-life care, rather it offers specialized, multi-disciplinary support to relieve a patient’s symptoms, pain, and stress at any stage of a life-threatening illness. Supportive palliative care focuses on disease modification and may involve curative or non-curative therapies aimed at enhancing a patient's quality of life. A collaborative and concurrent care team should provide supportive palliative care early in the course of serious illness, such as cancer. A growing body of evidence shows that supportive palliative care improves quality of life, reduces patient and caregiver burdens, and improves health care fiscal stewardship.

Caregivers can integrate supportive palliative care with curative and disease-modifying treatments to extend life or promote recovery from serious illness. The number of palliative care programs in Texas has steadily increased over the last decade despite the number of hospitals with 50 or more beds staying relatively constant.1

Outpatient palliative care programs also support oncologists in some of their most challenging work. Palliative care extends survival and enhances quality of life and quality of care while reducing costs. Improved integration of palliative care into community-based oncology practices is a major focus to better serve the community and enhance the experience of patients with advanced cancer and their families.2


  1. Texas Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council Recommendations to the 88th Texas Legislature https://www.hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/txpciac-recs-88th-leg-oct-2022.pdf

  2. Finlay E, Rabow MW, Buss MK. Filling the Gap: Creating an Outpatient Palliative Care Program in Your Institution. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2018;38:111-121. doi:10.1200/EDBK_200775 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30231351/


  1. Promote timely and appropriate referral to palliative care programs in Texas hospitals.
  2. Increase provider use and knowledge of supportive palliation care practices and guidelines.
  3. Increase the percentage of hospitals in majority rural Public Health Regions (PHR) that offer palliative care services.

Strategic Actions

  • Develop funding programs to establish supportive palliative care services in rural and underserved areas, utilizing mobile clinics and telehealth.
  • Establish loan repayment or scholarship programs for healthcare providers who undergo supportive palliative care training and work in underserved areas.
  • Mandate policies that introduce supportive palliative care as part of treatment options at diagnosis for serious illnesses, ensuring all Texans, regardless of insurance or income, access supportive care from the start.
  • Implement minimum qualifications for Texas home health agencies providers.

  • Work with rural and minority-majority schools to hold health fairs and information sessions on local palliative care resources, ensuring the next generation has early awareness of palliative care support.
  • Provide families with resources to start discussions on palliative care early in the diagnosis process, helping families understand the role of supportive care in improving quality of life.
  • Offer counseling and support services for students with family members undergoing serious illness, connecting families with community palliative care resources when needed.

  • Educate employees on available palliative care resources, particularly focusing on outreach for rural and minority employees who may be less familiar with supportive care options.
  • Offer workshops on palliative care and stress management, helping employees understand benefits and community resources for chronic illness support.
  • Extend Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to include access to local and virtual palliative care support, ensuring resources are accessible for underserved employees.

  • Encourage conversations about palliative care and advance care planning within your family.

  • Develop informational materials that are culturally appropriate and available in multiple languages, helping to reach diverse communities with palliative care information.
  • Partner with healthcare providers to hold educational sessions on palliative care, focusing on outreach to rural areas and minority communities to address misconceptions and highlight benefits.

  • Mandate coverage of palliative care consultations, regardless of a patient’s prognosis, allowing timely initiation of support for insured and uninsured populations alike.
  • Include virtual palliative care services to expand reach to rural communities, improving accessibility for those with limited healthcare infrastructure.
  • Educate members on their benefits for palliative care, with targeted outreach to underserved populations who may be less familiar with these services.

  • Offer telehealth palliative care options to reach patients in rural or underserved areas where specialized care may not be available locally.
  • Provide training for all members of the healthcare team, from oncologists to primary care providers, to understand and recommend palliative care, ensuring patients receive information at every step of treatment.
  • Employ patient navigators who can help uninsured or minority patients access services, understand their treatment plans, and coordinate with family members.
  • Promote provider and health care professional continuing education opportunities.
  • Increase the development of medical professionals from medical students to fellows, by focusing on Advanced Practice Planning and SPC.



Implementing a comprehensive cancer control plan in Texas demands a strategic, multi-faceted approach due to the state’s size, population diversity, and geographical variation. Due to advances in technology, treatment, data collection and analysis, quality care standards, and prevention research, there are proven strategies and interventions that can reduce the burden of cancer. However, implementing such strategies through a coordinated, data-informed, and culturally sensitive approach – in a state with 254 counties and a diverse population that exceeds 30 million people – presents a unique set of challenges that Texans must address to make a significant impact on the state’s cancer burden.

The designation of most Texas counties as “medically underserved areas” and “health professional shortage areas” highlights two critical and inseparable priorities for cancer control: expansion of public health services and augmentation of well-trained health professionals.

  • Texas ranks 41st in the nation in active primary care physicians per 100,000 population.1
  • 32 Texas counties have no physicians of any specialty (total population of 115,826).1
  • 75 counties have no primary care physician assistants.1
  • 80 Texas counties have five physicians or fewer (total population of 782,790).2
  • 147 Texas counties have no obstetrician/gynecologist (total population of 1,940,722).
  • 158 Texas counties have no general surgeon (total population of 2,066,766).
  • 57% of the workforce is in the five most populated counties in Texas while 44% of the population lives in these counties.
  • Fewer Texas physicians accept Medicare and Medicaid than the national average; 35% do not accept Medicaid and 14% do not accept Medicare. In the United States, only 18% of physicians do not accept Medicaid and 13% do not accept Medicare.3
  • Texas has a primary care shortage, with 436 Total Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designations; Texas is meeting 56.71% of the primary care need.2

A robust, diverse workforce and extensive research infrastructure are the backbone of the entire cancer research enterprise.4 The cancer care and research workforce should be diverse and reflect the many communities they serve to meet the needs of all people with cancer and those at risk for cancer. Building a strong, community-based workforce in cancer research requires Texas to adopt a multi-faceted approach aimed at increasing the number of quality accessible facilities and well-trained professionals in medically underserved areas and engaging and supporting students from underrepresented minority groups.

One component of the National Cancer Plan focuses on optimizing the cancer care and research workforce by addressing existing barriers. Challenges for the cancer care and research workforce include completing initial training, finding mentors, obtaining research funding, securing academic appointments, and reducing structural barriers that lessen the number of people pursuing cancer research as a career.

Government, public, and private sectors must collaborate to invest in training and support for cancer researchers and community health workers. NCI-Designated Cancer Centers and clinical trial networks provide the cancer research community with resources and materials that promote innovative thinking. These groups also help coordinate research studies and clinical trials to move novel findings from the laboratory into the community, where all people can benefit from the work.

Community health workers play a transformative role in cancer care, particularly in underserved communities with limited access to regular screening and healthcare. After completing a Community Health Worker training program or training as a public health worker, individuals may work in a healthcare setting. The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends that community health workers promote interventions to improve health and enhance health equity in underserved communities. One of the key strengths of this position is the flexibility of the role, which allows people to serve as multifaceted public health advocates based on community needs and specific health challenges.

Additional training and financial support are essential for community health workers to maximize their impact on cancer screening and prevention.5 Enhanced training equips community health workers with the specific skills and knowledge they need to educate community members on cancer risks and the importance of screening through social support, advocacy, coaching, and navigation. They can also impact a community through:

  • Connecting marginalized communities to health resources,
  • Promoting education about healthy living,
  • Acting as an advocate for the community,
  • Providing informal counseling and social support, and
  • Making home visits and providing health services.6

Goal 17

Objective Measure Baseline Rate Current Rate Target Rate % Change (Δ) National Rate
Increase the number of quality, accessible facilities and well-trained professionals in medically underserved areas. Number of counties in the state that are full /partial Medically Underserved Area (MUA) 235 counties are full/partial MUA (HRSA, 2016) 206 (HRSA, 2023) 185 Δ 11% NA
Maintain and enhance high-quality cancer data provided by the Texas Cancer Registry. North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) Certification Gold (North American Association of Central Cancer Registries [NAACR]), 2010) Gold (NAACCR, 2023) Maintain Gold   NA
NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program NA NCI SEER NCI SEER   NA
Enhance and protect existing cancer data systems, including the Texas Cancer Registry, BRFSS, and YRBSS, to monitor and support outcome-driven cancer research, prevention, and control. Data not available to determine a baseline and target          


  1. Texas Health and Human Services. Texas Physician Supply and Demand Projections, 2022-2036. Texas Physician Supply and Demand Projections. Accessed May 24, 2024.

  2. Kaiser Family Foundation. State Health Facts|Health Professional Shortage Areas. November 2023. Health Professional Shortage Areas. Accessed April 25, 2024.

  3. Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. Publications. June 2021. Physician Acceptance of New Medicaid Patients: Findings from the National Electronic Health Records Survey - MACPAC. Accessed October 24, 2024.

  4. U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. National Cancer Plan. Published April 3, 2023. Cancer Plan

  5. Okasako-Schmucker DL, Peng Y, Cobb J, et al. Community Health Workers to Increase Cancer Screening: 3 Community Guide Systematic Reviews. Am J Prev Med. 2023;64(4):579-594. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2022.10.016

  6. Rasmussen University Health Sciences Blog. 6 Invaluable Ways Community Health Workers Impact Our Lives. March 2017. Community Health Workers. Accessed October 22, 2024.

Goal 17: Strengthen the public health and clinical health care system infrastructure


  1. Increase the number of quality, accessible facilities and well-trained professionals in medically underserved areas.
    • Number of counties in the state that are full /partial Medically Underserved Area (MUA)
  2. Maintain and enhance high-quality cancer data provided by the Texas Cancer Registry.
    • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) Certification
    • NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program
  3. Enhance and protect existing cancer data systems, including the Texas Cancer Registry, BRFSS, and YRBSS, to monitor and support outcome-driven cancer research, prevention, and control.

Strategic Actions

  • Advocate for and dedicate consistent and reliable funding to strengthen the infrastructure supporting collection of quality cancer data.
  • Advocate for and dedicate consistent and reliable funding to strengthen the infrastructure supporting the delivery of quality cancer prevention and care.
  • Advocate for adoption of state and federal policies to maintain an adequate supply of standard cancer prevention vaccines and treatment drugs.
  • Advocate for appropriate payment for prevention services and the continuum of cancer care services.
  • Advocate for payment for community health workers and patient navigators in delivering cancer prevention and care services.

  • Develop new strategies to support paths in the life sciences industries and non-research science sectors, such as education, health policy, or health journalism.
  • Promote careers in health care with specialized focus on cancer from high school through graduate education.

  • Expand and extend the capacity for cancer research by engaging a diverse pool of talented learners in cancer research.
  • Eliminate barriers and facilitate entry for individuals historically excluded from or underrepresented in the cancer research workforce.

  • Advocate for resource investment in your community for high school students and beyond in healthcare, life sciences, medicine, and other health focuses.

  • Enhance awareness and promote use of cancer data for research, prevention, and control.
  • Increase standardized training for and utilization of patient navigators and community health workers in both clinic and community settings across the continuum of cancer care.
  • Identify and promote awareness of existing facilities and resources and fully implement evidence-based strategies and interventions to build and sustain healthy communities.
  • Provide health education resources to families in culturally relevant formats, particularly for minority communities where language and cultural barriers may exist.

  • Partner with community organizations to inform underserved populations about low-cost health plans and how to utilize their benefits effectively.
  • Ensure comprehensive telehealth coverage to make healthcare accessible in rural areas with limited in-person services, especially for specialty care.

  • Research, understand, and address the unique needs and concerns of cancer researchers at all career stages and in all disciplines.
  • Increase availability of telemedicine/telehealth services.
  • Increase the number and distribution of quality, accessible, and affordable facilities, equipment, technology, and cancer prevention and care services.
  • Increase the number of well-trained health professionals serving rural, frontier, and other health professional shortage areas.
  • Increase the number of accredited facilities (e.g., ACoS, the Joint Commission, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care) in areas of need.
  • Increase the number of NCI-designated cancer centers in the state.
  • Increase data collection and enhance data elements for electronic health records.
  • Increase availability of telemedicine/telehealth services.

Research and Clinical Trials


Sustained investments in medical research in areas such as risk reduction, early detection, and treatment are critical to making progress against Texas’ cancer burden. Across Texas, scientists and healthcare professionals research underlying causes and potential cancer treatments at universities, research institutions, medical facilities, and early-stage companies with the support of federal, state, and private funding. Continued support is necessary to expedite research breakthroughs and drive critical discoveries forward.

Texas is home to four National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated cancer centers where scientists conduct over 80% of the NCI-funded cancer research in Texas: Baylor College of Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. These NCI Cancer Centers play a critical role in sharing new knowledge through clinical trials and outreach programs focused on cancer prevention and screening, with an emphasis on the needs of underserved populations. Texas will further strengthen our position as a leader in cancer innovation by expanding the number of NCI Comprehensive Cancer Centers and continuing to invest in the research capacity and cutting-edge technology available to Texas institutions.

The cancer research and development sector in Texas has experienced remarkable growth, particularly over the last decade. Since 2021, Texas-based life sciences startup companies have attracted an average of $840 million annually in venture capital, fueling innovation in new products and services. Supporting this vibrant ecosystem, Texas hosts numerous research institutions with programs and facilities designed to nurture new company formation, such as incubators and accelerators at The University of Texas at Austin, UT Southwestern, MD Anderson, Johnson & Johnson’s JLabs, the Texas Medical Center, Pegasus Park, the Austin Technology Incubator, and San Antonio’s VelocityTX Innovation Center. Statewide and regional advocacy groups like the Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute, BioHouston, BioAustin, and bioNorthTX play a crucial role in ecosystem development by offering training, networking, and advocacy, further cementing Texas as a hub for cancer research and development innovation.

Government investments in federal programs aimed at improving public health and reducing cancer risks include key initiatives such as U.S. Food and Drug Administration programs that improve access to and diversity in cancer clinical trials; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiatives to strengthen public health infrastructure, improve cancer screening, and reduce tobacco use; and actions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to minimize environmental exposures to carcinogens through strengthened health policies. Together, these efforts aim to reduce cancer incidence and improve outcomes for all communities.

Clinical trials play a pivotal role in driving forward medical and scientific progress by introducing innovative treatments and deepening our understanding of cancer. Before oncologists can administer a drug to a cancer patient, the drug must receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Researchers conduct clinical trials to demonstrate the drug's safety, efficacy, and quality for the intended use. This involves rigorous testing through preclinical studies in laboratories and animal models, followed by phases I-III clinical trials in humans.

Although we have seen progress in recent years, the pressing need to modernize and strengthen the clinical trial infrastructure remains. A growing focus in research is community-based participatory research. This collaborative approach actively involves communities impacted by the issue under investigation, increasing the likelihood of health and well-being improvements by driving meaningful action and fostering social change.1 Building and training a qualified cancer research and healthcare workforce that reflects the diversity of Texas’ population is also crucial to addressing cancer disparities through research, education, and training programs.


  1. Marrone NL, Nieman CL, Coco L. Community-Based Participatory Research and Human-Centered Design Principles to Advance Hearing Health Equity. Ear Hear. 2022;43(Suppl 1):33S-44S. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000001183

Goal 18: Enrich the scope and impact of cancer research across Texas by enhancing clinical trial access, participation, and representation.

Although most cancer patients express interest in participating in clinical trials, only a small percentage of people with cancer or at risk of developing cancer enroll in clinical trials. Eight percent (8%) of adults with cancer participate in clinical trials,1 and this percentage is even lower for many historically underrepresented groups.2 Many trials fail to enroll enough participants to draw meaningful conclusions due to the minimal rate of participation.

Researchers attribute low clinical trial enrollment rates to structural barriers such as narrow eligibility criteria and inaccessibility, study burden, distrust, lack of awareness, and fear.3 Developing comprehensive solutions to increase clinical trial participation is critical for advancing medical knowledge, improving patient outcomes, and ensuring equitable access to cutting-edge treatments for all individuals affected by cancer.

Another significant concern is the lack of sociodemographic diversity among those who do enroll in cancer clinical trials. Clinical trials often fail to include participant populations that accurately reflect the real-world demographics of those affected by cancer, limiting the applicability of findings and potentially reinforcing disparities in care and outcomes.4 There is a range of structural and societal barriers that exist at individual (patient and health care provider) and systemic (health care system) levels that limit participation of racial and ethnic minority groups and medically underserved populations in cancer clinical trials. Interventions to address barriers must take into consideration the unique experiences of the target populations.

The American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Disparities Progress Report 2024 reports that a deeper understanding of barriers to clinical trial participation is enabling researchers, regulators, and policymakers to develop and apply evidence-based strategies. Efforts to improve clinical trial accessibility and equity focus on addressing social determinants of health, simplifying trial designs to reduce patient burden, broadening eligibility criteria, and streamlining data collection, including patient-reported outcomes. Additionally, fostering diversity within the clinical research workforce is crucial, ensuring that it better reflects the demographics of the patient populations it serves. These interventions aim to enhance both the inclusivity and effectiveness of clinical research.5

Community-based clinical trials improve the diversity of patients enrolled in clinical trials by engaging directly with community members to build trust and relationships and giving patients - including underrepresented patients - access to new treatment options. Research shows that community outreach and patient navigation enhance awareness and increase participation for racial and ethnic minority patients.6 Involving community-based partners in the design and execution of clinical trials, along with integrating patient and community feedback, can foster trust and credibility. This approach helps build meaningful relationships and encourages open, two-way communication, particularly with populations that may distrust the clinical system because of historic systemic injustices and discrimination.7


  1. Unger, JM., et al. National Estimates of the Participation of Patients With Cancer in Clinical Research Studies Based on Commission on Cancer Accreditation Data. JCO. 2024; 42, 2139-2148. doi:10.1200/JCO.23.01030

  2. Pittell, H, Calip, GS, Pierre, A, et al. Racial and Ethnic Inequities in US Oncology Trial Participation from 2017 to 2022. JAMA Netw Open. 2023; 6(7). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.22515

  3. NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health. Review of the Literature: Primary Barriers and Facilitators to Participation in Clinical Research. Outreach Toolkit Review of Literature. Accessed: November 4, 2024.

  4. Schmid, P, Cortes, J, Pusztai, L, et al. Pembrolizumab for Early Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382:810-821. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910549

  5. American Association for Cancer Research. AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report 2024. AACR Progress Report. Accessed November 4, 2024.

  6. Kerstens C, Wildiers HPMW, Schroyen G, et al. A Systematic Review on the Potential Acceleration of Neurocognitive Aging in Older Cancer Survivors. Cancers. 2023; 15(4):1215. doi.org/10.3390/cancers15041215

  7. Odedina, FT, et al. Community Engagement Strategies for Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2024; Volume 99, Issue 1, 159 - 171 doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2023.07.015

Strategic Actions

  • Mandate full insurance coverage and provide logistical support for clinical trial participants.
  • Support telehealth legislation that allows for virtual participation in clinical trials, removing geographic barriers for rural and underserved populations.
  • Advocate that research institutions collect and publicly report data on clinical trial demographics to ensure adequate representation of minorities, rural residents, and uninsured individuals.
  • Implement policies that prioritize funding for studies that explicitly target diverse patient populations and trials involving common health disparities.

  • Partner with research institutions to offer informational workshops and career fairs focused on opportunities in clinical research and public health.
  • Collaborate with local health organizations to bring cancer screening events to schools and provide information on clinical trial opportunities to eligible families.

  • Offer workshops or informational sessions on the importance of clinical trials and research in advancing cancer care targeting rural and minority employees who may have less exposure to this information.
  • Include trial participation as a point of discussion in employee wellness programs, increasing awareness and dispelling myths about clinical trials.
  • Provide flexible scheduling or remote work options to accommodate employees’ trial-related appointments and requirements.

  • Encourage family discussions around clinical trial participation, particularly for households in rural or minority communities, to help build trust and foster informed decision-making.
  • Discuss the benefits and safety of clinical trials, addressing common misconceptions within the family unit.

  • Support clinical trial education and enrollment to significantly increase awareness and participation in historically low-engagement communities.
  • Organize health fairs for clinical trial awareness to demystify clinical trials and increase enrollment from underserved groups.
  • Allocate funding to support travel, lodging, and other logistical needs for rural and low-income patients participating in clinical trials.
  • Connect patients with community health workers who will function as liaisons between participants and trial coordinators, addressing language and cultural gaps in minority communities.
  • Collaborate with local leaders to design and deliver culturally sensitive materials addressing common barriers, such as fear and distrust of the healthcare system.

  • Introduce trial-specific support services and insurance plans to encourage trial participation among members and alleviate the logistical and financial burdens of participation.
  • Partner with clinical trial sponsors to ensure minimal out-of-pocket expenses for patients, making trials more accessible for those without comprehensive insurance.
  • Provide coverage for trial-related healthcare costs, including diagnostics, medications, and necessary follow-ups, to reduce financial barriers for uninsured or low-income participants.
  • Include clinical trial information in policyholder communications, particularly for policies targeting rural or low-income populations who may have less awareness of trial options.
  • Offer premium discounts or wellness incentives for members who participate in clinical trials, encouraging broader involvement and reducing disparities in participation.

  • Launch programs to increase clinical trial enrollment among underserved populations to enhance participant retention and satisfaction.
  • Offer patient navigation services that guide potential participants through trial eligibility, enrollment, and the full participation process.
  • Develop telemedicine infrastructure to facilitate remote consultations, trial check-ins, and data collection, reducing the need for rural and minority patients to travel to trial sites.
  • Work with primary care providers in rural and underserved areas to identify eligible patients and discuss trial options with them, integrating trial participation into routine care discussions.
  • Establish partnerships to provide funding for trial-related expenses for uninsured participants, reducing financial obstacles to participation.
  • Offer primary care training on the importance of clinical trials and strategies for explaining trial benefits to minority and rural patients.

Goal 19: Encourage participation in cancer research and support of cancer programs through direct patient and community engagement.

As Texas plans for the future of cancer care, it is essential to engage stakeholders across the state and nation for guidance. Ensuring that the next generation of scientific leaders incorporates community needs and values the insights of individuals with lived experience when developing research initiatives is also important. This approach will drive more inclusive, impactful research initiatives and foster a deeper connection between scientific discovery and real-world patient outcomes.

Community engagement is vital for encouraging and increasing enrollment of historically marginalized populations in clinical research. Community-based participatory research is an approach where communities and researchers collaborate to co-create research agendas, identify priorities, and ensure mutual understanding. This approach integrates the cultural and social dynamics that are crucial to the success of research and program implementation. Through an iterative process, community-based participatory research establishes valuable relationships with communities and diverse partners through resource sharing, decision-making, results, and knowledge. Fostering community dialogue establishes trust, bridges socio-cultural differences, and brings multiple perspectives to the examination of an issue. When executed effectively, it allows communities to identify problems, explore solutions, and develop action plans to address community needs.1

Researchers are increasingly conducting community-based clinical trials predominantly through primary-care physicians, community health centers, and local outpatient facilities, rather than academic research centers.2 Involving the community in the research process helps develop more relevant and culturally-appropriate research questions, improves data collection and interpretation, and facilitates the translation of research findings into meaningful action and social change - ultimately leading to more impactful and valid results. By collaborating with communities across Texas, novel approaches in risk assessment, prevention, early detection, and interventions will translate into greater implementation. Texans can then tailor these innovations to meet the specific needs of diverse populations, ultimately leading to more effective prevention strategies and a broader impact on public health.


  1. University of Minnesota. National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants. Using Community Based Participatory Research. Accessed October 23, 2024.

  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Community-based clinical trial. Accessed October 24, 2024.

Strategic Actions

  • Provide funding specifically aimed at cancer research initiatives in rural and minority communities to foster local engagement and ensure research addresses these populations' needs.
  • Pass policies to reduce financial barriers to participation by mandating coverage for costs associated with research participation for uninsured and low-income patients.

  • Partner with local cancer research organizations to organize informational sessions, seminars, and field trips that promote awareness and interest in cancer research fields.
  • Create volunteer programs for students to participate in or support local cancer research initiatives, fostering a community culture of engagement and support.

  • Encourage participation by providing financial or other wellness-related incentives for employees who join or support cancer research programs.
  • Encourage employers to sponsor or participate in local cancer awareness events, donating resources or staff time to support these initiatives, especially in underrepresented communities.

  • Encourage open conversations about cancer risks, prevention, and treatment options, including research participation, especially among families in rural and minority communities.
  • Participate in cancer research advocacy by volunteering with or donating to organizations that provide support for cancer patients and their families, especially in underserved communities.

  • Partner with health experts to provide trustworthy information that demystifies cancer research and addresses common fears, especially in underserved communities.
  • Organize local workshops to educate communities about cancer research, including clinical trials and preventive studies, particularly in rural and minority neighborhoods.
  • Support local leaders and health ambassadors to serve as liaisons, making it easier for minority and rural communities to understand and engage in research programs.
  • Collaborate with local clinics and hospitals to organize information sessions where community members can learn about research programs and eligibility criteria.

  • Cover patient costs associated with cancer research participation, such as transportation, lodging, or trial-related medical expenses, especially for low-income or uninsured patients.
  • Create educational materials and newsletters that inform policyholders about the benefits and availability of local cancer research opportunities, especially those focusing on underserved groups.
  • Partner with community health organizations to promote research and screening programs through insurance plans, with a focus on rural and minority populations.
  • Provide grants or funding to healthcare providers who actively engage in or refer patients to community-based cancer research initiatives.

  • Recruit community members who have participated in cancer research as advocates to share their experiences, helping build trust within the community.
  • Provide culturally relevant educational materials and workshops for uninsured and minority patients, addressing specific barriers to participation.
  • Collaborate with primary care providers and local clinics to promote awareness of available cancer research opportunities and support programs.
  • Establish referral pathways that connect patients to research programs, ensuring that healthcare providers are encouraging eligible patients from diverse backgrounds to participate.
  • Expand telemedicine capabilities to enable rural patients to participate in research remotely, reducing travel and logistical barriers.

Goal 20: Expedite the development and accessibility of cancer interventions.

There is still so much to uncover about cancer – its development, progression, prevention, and treatment. Research is the foundation for answering these critical questions. Texas is well-positioned to lead in this effort, with a strong, bipartisan record of tackling major health and technology challenges. Programs like the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Texas Enterprise Fund, Governor’s University Research Initiative, Texas Comprehensive Research Fund, and other mechanisms and special item funding showcase the state's unparalleled commitment to bioresearch and innovation. These mechanisms, along with annual appropriations of approximately $3.5 billion, underscore Texas’ unequaled investment in its bioresearch and translational infrastructure.

Texas is home to a growing number of life science companies and hosts a wide range of active research initiatives, clinical trials, and pivotal studies. Both academic institutions and private companies conduct research on emerging cancers. Strengthening and expanding collaboration between these entities is crucial to accelerating new discoveries, improving screening methods, and establishing updated guidelines, particularly in addressing areas of unmet medical need.

Recruiting preeminent researchers enhances the state's cancer research ecosystem by bringing in fresh ideas, specialized expertise, and increased research funding. New researchers will bolster the scientific community, creating a critical mass that attracts investments in developing innovative products for cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Investments in core facilities support this effort and ensure researchers have access to the latest technologies, essential for advancing innovative cancer research. This expanded capacity not only drives scientific discovery but also generates evidence for novel strategies in cancer prevention and early detection and supports the development of novel tools—such as new diagnostics, imaging techniques, and medical devices—that improve options available for early cancer detection.

A well-documented barrier in advancing cancer treatment is the lack of funding to translate new discoveries into practical advances for cancer patients. Federal grants and foundations traditionally support early-stage discovery science, while venture fund investors and the pharmaceutical industry typically finance late-stage development. However, there is a critical funding gap in the intermediate stages of translational research.

Translational and early-stage clinical research, which bridges the journey from basic science to commercial products such as drugs, diagnostic tools, and medical devices, is essential for bringing new innovations to market but remains underfunded. Additional investment in these research areas will accelerate the development of preventive measures and cutting-edge technologies. Although translational and early clinical research takes time and resources, it offers immense potential to improve patient outcomes and advance cancer care. Addressing this funding gap enhances the pipeline of innovation, ensuring that groundbreaking scientific discoveries will make a tangible difference in the fight against cancer.

The 2024 Texas Cancer Plan emphasizes the role of precision medicine in improving cancer care by understanding genetic changes in tumors and identifying effective targeted therapies. These therapies, often paired with diagnostic tests for identifying specific biomarkers, are increasingly able to identify the potential effectiveness of specific cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. The 88th Texas Legislature passed legislation mandating Medicaid and insurance coverage for evidence-based biomarker testing. As Texas continues to invest in innovative interventions, healthcare professionals should utilize appropriate evidence-based biomarker testing to enhance the accuracy of diagnosis and inform personalized treatment plans.

Strategic Actions

  • Establish policies that allow rapid adoption of FDA-approved cancer treatments within the state’s healthcare facilities, prioritizing interventions that have shown significant outcomes in clinical trials.
  • Fund pilot programs focused on real-world evidence studies and observational research, encouraging a swift transition from cancer research to practical applications.

  • Establish partnerships with nearby research institutions, offering students opportunities to participate in cancer research awareness programs or volunteer with community outreach programs.

  • Implement supportive HR policies, such as medical leave and flexible schedules, to support employees receiving cancer treatment, reducing workplace stress, and enabling better recovery outcomes.
  • Offer regular, accessible cancer screenings (e.g., skin, breast, and colorectal cancer) and health education programs to employees, providing early detection options and spreading awareness about treatment and intervention access.

  • Promote family engagement in health education, making cancer screening a part of family health discussions, especially for families with a genetic predisposition to cancer.

  • Conduct community workshops and seminars on the latest in cancer treatments and available support programs.
  • Establish support groups and referral networks for cancer patients and families, directing them to clinical trials and new treatments, especially for those facing financial or logistical barriers to care.

  • Expand coverage options to include new and experimental cancer treatments, ensuring affordability for patients and reducing out-of-pocket costs, especially for those in lower-income brackets.

  • Make clinical trial participation a standard care option, offering trials to eligible patients early in their treatment process to expand access to new interventions and treatments.
  • Provide telemedicine options for cancer consultations and follow-up care to increase accessibility for rural and underserved populations.
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